Requirements for the recruitment of professors

Formal recruitment prerequisites according to section 25 of Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG)

1. Completed university degree

The NHG requires a completed university degree. Additional in-depth details usually follow in the specific call for application.


2. Pedagogical-didactic aptitude confirmed through practical experience

The pedagogical-didactic aptitude must be confirmed through practical experience. Previous training in the field of didactics or university didactics alone is not a sufficient substitute for the required practical teaching experience.


3. Particular aptitude for conducting in-depth academic work, of which an above-average doctorate is usually indicative.

A completed above-average doctorate (dissertation plus oral examination) is normally a requirement. The NHG does not stipulate whether the doctorate must be suited to the subject. This may, however, be required in the specific call for application. The specific call for application may also permit the consideration of doctorate-adequate achievements, meaning that publications, patents and projects are generally assessed by an external reviewer as doctorate-adequate (equivalent to a doctorate in type and scope) and as above-average.


4. Exceptional achievements in the application or development of academic findings and methods in professional practice lasting a minimum of five years, at least three years of which must have been outside higher education.  

For universities of applied sciences, the NHG stipulates that at least five years of professional practice are required, of which at least three years must be outside of a university context.  
Furthermore, the professional practice must have been in a relevant capacity and have been acquired in a position of at least 50 percent full-time employment. It is essential that these periods are documented by testimonials, confirmations or similar evidence.

The required special achievements in the professional practice must be of an academic nature.

Fulfilment of the requirements

It is, of course, desirable that you already meet all the requirements for appointment at the time of application. However, you may also apply if only a few months remain before completion of the required professional experience or until completion of your doctorate. The appointment process usually takes several months and all requirements must be met at the latest prior to hiring. However, it is at the discretion of the Appointment Committee to decide on whether or not this is possible.

If you have any questions concerning the fulfilment of recruitment requirements, please contact the Appointments and Recruitment Department (in German). Inquiries in English can be addressed to Aline Poniatowski (


Professors at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences are usually hired as tenured civil servants (section 27 Lower Saxony Higher Education Act - NHG). In individual cases, they may also be employed as salaried employees. The regular teaching commitment is 18 teaching hours (45 minutes each) per week during the semester. The semester dates are as follows: winter semester: September-January, summer semester: March-July (exam periods included). Lecture-free times allow preparation of lectures, research activities, external activities, etc. Salary is paid continuously throughout the year.

The salaries of professors are based on the Lower Saxony Salary Act (Niedersächsisches Besoldungsgesetz) according to the salary scale W. The basic salary of salary group W2 is currently 6,181.33 € gross per month (salary table valid as of March 1st, 2021). The current amounts are available in the salary table. The remuneration includes family allowances that depend on the individual family situation, as well as performance-related remuneration and other remuneration, such as annual special payments and capital-forming benefits.

Since the salary of professors is subject to salary increases and can vary greatly depending on the individual situation, the salary table above serves as an initial guide. The actual salary will be determined after the appointment. Please note that taxes and social security contributions always deduct the gross salary in Germany. This results in the net salary, i.e. the amount that you will receive a you monthly payment.

The recruitment process is coordinated in the Human Resources and Finances Division.