Diversity Discourses

Project description

Project description

Social debates in the field of migration and equal opportunities are characterized by a deficit and problem-oriented construction of migration, high complexity and subjective risks as well as polarized positions, so that attempts at a joint construction of migration often fail. In order to generate more objective and contextual contributions and to strengthen the societal reflection of scientific findings while incorporating diverse and transdisciplinary perspectives, this project combines elements of participatory research with formats of science communication and creates spaces for science-based dialogue.

A kick-off event will focus on sharing experiences and lessons learned. On the other hand, social media appearances and posts are a tool to bring different perspectives into the discourse and to sensitize and inform as many different people as possible. The different perspectives will be contextualized and reflected upon in a final event. This event will both inform and sensitize a broad (professional) audience and, in the context of a meta-debate, reflect on the way in which humanities and social science researchers in Germany and Europe are involved in migration discourses.

The events and social media appearances are intended to counteract the existing deficit and problem-orientation of migration discourses in the short term. By discussing the state of research on an equal footing with and from the specific perspectives of a heterogeneous audience, the project aims to familiarize recipients with the significance of the topic for their own lives, without provoking reactance or a sense of threat. In this way, the project aims to encourage a more nuanced approach to the issue of migration and equal opportunities among individuals in the short term, and to serve as an example of how the potential of diversity can be utilized in the social reflection of scientific findings.

In the medium term, the project thus contributes to improving the representation of different target groups in the social reflection of scientific findings, to strengthening commitment to social and political debates, and to counteracting the existing deficit orientation. At the same time, the project represents an approach to include a population that is explicitly regarded as heterogeneous in the discourse. In the long run, the project will contribute to the use of the potential of social diversity in the reflection of scientific findings in the field of migration and equal opportunities.