StudiumPlus: Training courses
Welcome to the StudiumPlus website!
As part of StudiumPlus, the LearningCenter and other university facilities provide moderated classroom and online training courses as well as digital self-study courses for students.
You can register directly for the self-study courses and moderated training sessions via the ILIAS learning management system.
On the following pages you will find more detailed information about the StudiumPlus concept, the LearningCenter offers and the registration procedures.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the two contact persons listed below via the e-mail address or by telephone.
Promotion of future skills
The essential mission of universities of applied sciences is to ensure the employability of their students in academically oriented professional fields. In addition, a degree course should contribute to personal development and prepare students to take on social responsibility.
The working world and social conditions for achieving these goals have become considerably more complex and dynamic in recent decades. The driving forces behind this are so-called megatrends. They are being researched by the Zukunftsinstitut, for example, which provides a good overview on its website.
The OECD's Centre for Educational Research and Innovation also examines various economic, political, social and technological trends. From this, it derives requirements for the future design of educational opportunities.
University graduates in particular must be able to react flexibly to new and complex requirements. To achieve this, so-called future skills are required in addition to traditional subject-specific skills. Many of these are important for students in almost all subject areas and are therefore also referred to as interdisciplinary.
At the LearningCenter, our StudiumPlus courses focus primarily on the following three interdisciplinary skills areas:
- Self-regulation and lifelong learning
- Communication, cooperation and social participation
- Scientific and methodical thinking and acting
We also offer individual training courses in the following two areas of expertise:
- Career orientation and career entry
- Digital Literacy
Of course, we consider digitalization to be a cross-cutting issue, which means that even in the training courses that are not explicitly assigned to the field of "digital literacy", emphasis is placed on the consideration of digital contexts of action.
To a certain extent, future skills are acquired as an integral part of the degree course. Nevertheless, it makes sense to consciously work on the further development of your own skills profile alongside your studies. This requires time, an activating learning atmosphere and a variety of opportunities for reflection. This is exactly what our StudiumPlus program is designed for.
Participating institutions
In addition to the LearningCenter, the following institutions are also involved in StudiumPlus. They enrich the offer with event formats on their respective topics that are related to the content profile of the LearningCenter.
- Center for International Students (CIS)
- University Advancement
- Mindful Leadership
- Transfer and Innovation Management (TIM)
- wiconnect (alumni network)
In addition, we recommend the services of the Psychosocial Counseling Center of the Osnabrück Student Union (psb).
The majority of StudiumPlus courses at the LearningCenter take the form of training sessions. This course format takes place in small groups of a maximum of 20 people and is characterized by a high degree of activating and application-oriented elements. The focus is on promoting skills from the areas mentioned above.
There is a choice of moderated face-to-face and online training courses as well as digital self-study courses. Participation in all training courses is free of charge for students at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. Registration for both formats takes place via the ILIAS learning management system.
Registration for the institutions participating in StudiumPlus is handled via the ILIAS learning management system. Both the digital self-study courses and the moderated face-to-face and online courses can be found in the event directory there, the so-called magazine, as shown below. Detailed descriptions of the courses can be found in the marked menu item "Info".
You can also access the LearningCenter's moderated training courses via the direct links above. Registration will be activated approximately two weeks before the start of the semester.
Please note that registration for the moderated face-to-face and online training courses at the LearningCenter is binding. This means that if, contrary to expectations, you are unable to attend, please cancel your registration independently via ILIAS at least 14 days before the course date. This is the only way we can pass on your place to other interested students.
In justified exceptional cases (e.g. in the event of a doctor's note), it is possible to cancel later. In this case, please send an e-mail to before the start of training.
If you are absent from a course once without excuse, this will be noted in our greylist. In the event of repeated unexcused absences, we will unfortunately have to exclude you from the StudiumPlus courses offered by the LearningCenter for one year.
If you take part in a training course, we and the trainers assume that you will be able to be present for the entire duration of the event.
Thank you for your help and understanding!
Moderated face-to-face and online trainings
The LearningCenter's moderated training courses usually last one to two days. They mainly take place on Fridays and Saturdays in order to reduce possible overlaps with the timetables of the individual degree programs.
Under the following headings you will find a list of all dates for the moderated training courses offered by the LearningCenter in the current semester. The links provided will take you directly to the registration form for the courses.
The training sessions are conducted in German. Only the Writing academic texts: How to write a seminar paper/thesis training is held in English.
ProGRess - Bedürfnisorientiertes Kompakttraining gegen Prokrastination
One-day face-to-face event / Time: Sat., 22.03.2025, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in room UA0201 | plus booster session: One-day online event / Time: Fri., 25.04.2025, 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Recherche und Wissensmanagement
Three short sessions as an online event / Times: Mon. 31.03., 5:00 to 6:30 PM and Tue. 01.04., Wed. 02.04.2025, 5:00 to 7:00 PM
Lernen zu lernen: Effektiver lernen und Prüfungen bestehen (Alternativtermin I)
Two-day face-to-face event / Times: Fri., 04.04.2025, 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and Sat., 05.04.2025, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in room SL0222
Lernen zu lernen: Effektiver lernen und Prüfungen bestehen (Alternativtermin II)
Two-day online event / Times: Fri. 25.04.2025, 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and Sat., 26.04.2025, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Projektmanagement: Projekte im Team erfolgreich planen, strukturieren und durchführen
Two-day face-to-face event / Times: Fri., 09.05.2025, 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and Sat., 14.07.2024, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in room UA0201
Prüfungen? Check! Lernstrategien und Zeitmanagement für eine erfolgreiche Prüfungsphase
Two-day face-to-face event / Times: Fri., 09.05.2025, 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and Sat.,10.05.2025, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in room UA0201
ChatGPT & Co.: KI-Tools für das Studium kennen, nutzen, reflektieren
One-day online event / Time: Fri., 16.05.2025, 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
KI in der Praxis: Wie erstelle und trainiere ich einen Chatbot?
One-day online event / Time: Sat., 17.05.2025, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Future Skills - Kompetenzen für meine berufliche Zukunft
One-day online event / Time: Thu., 06.06.2025, 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Rhetorik - erfolgreich reden, diskutieren und überzeugen (Alternativtermin I)
Two-day face-to-face event / Times: Fri., 23.05.2025, 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and Sat., 24.05.2025, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in room UA0201
Rhetorik - Erfolgreich reden, diskutieren und überzeugen (Alternativtermin II)
Two-day face-to-face event / Times: Fri., 13.06.2025, 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and Sat., 14.06.2024, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in room UA0201
Projektmanagement: Projekte im Team erfolgreich planen, strukturieren und durchführen
Two-day face-to-face event / Times: Fri., 09.05.2025, 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and Sat., 10.05.2025,9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in room UA0201
Writing academic texts / How to write a seminar paper / thesis
One-day online event / Time: Fri., 28.03.2025, 9:30 AM to 17:30 PM
Recherche und Wissensmanagement
Three short sessions as an online event / Times: Mon., 31.03., Tue., 01.04. 2025, 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM | and Wed., 02.04., 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Schreiben optimieren. Textstruktur, Schreibstil, Kommasetzung, Rechtschreibung und den Einsatz von KI bei Texten üben
Two-day online event / Times: Fri., 25.04.2025, 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM, and Sat., 26.04.2025, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Schreiben von Projekt- und Abschlussarbeiten in den technischen Fächern
Two-day online event / Times: Fri., 09.05.2025, 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and Sat., 10.05.2025, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben für internationale Studierende
Two-day online event / Times: Fri., Fr., 16.05.2025, 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM, und Sat., 17.05.2025, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Professionelle Bewerbungsunterlagen für Jobangebote und Initiativbewerbungen
One-day online event / Time: Fri., Sa., 09.11.2024, 9.30 AM to 17.30 PM
Future Skills - Kompetenzen für meine berufliche Zukunft
One-day online event / Time: Thu., 05.12.2024, 14:30 PM to 18:30 PM
Fit ins Assessmentcenter und Vorstellungsgespräch
One-day online event / Time: Sat., 14.12.2024, 9.30 AM to 17.30 PM
ChatGPT & Co.: KI-Tools für das Studium kennen, nutzen, reflektieren
One-day online event / Time: Fri., 16.05.2025, 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
KI in der Praxis: Wie erstelle und trainiere ich einen Chatbot?
One-day online event / Time: Sat., 17.05.2025, 10:00 AM -to 3:00 PM
Digital self-study courses
Studying at a university prepares you specifically for your first years in an academic career. In order to be able to act confidently there, not only subject-specific but also interdisciplinary skills are required. These enable you to react flexibly to new requirements, which occur relatively frequently in such professional fields.
In addition to our working world, other areas of life are also subject to constant change. In its regular reports
Trends Shaping Education, the OECD describes this change in terms of economic, political, social and technological megatrends that will shape our future society. Higher education institutions in particular should take these trends into account in their courses by promoting so-called future skills - these are interdisciplinary skills that will become increasingly relevant in the future world of work and society.
The LearningCenter has described exactly what this means in detail in an internal framework for action based on the OECD reports and other relevant documents. Overall, we distinguish between the following areas of competence, the content of which we regularly update - digital contexts also play a role here:
- Self-regulation and lifelong learning
- Communication, cooperation and social participation
- Scientific and methodical thinking and acting
To a certain extent, these interdisciplinary skills are acquired as part of your degree course. With the StudiumPlus course offering you can also sharpen your skills profile in addition to your degree course. These two courses are described in more detail below.