International Faculty Office
Faculty of Management, Culture and Technology
International Faculty Office of the Faculty of Management, Culture and Technology
The International Faculty Office (IFO) of the Faculty of Management, Culture and Technology at Lingen Campus acts as the main point of contact for all international actities involving the faculty. The IFO staff assists international students interested in spending one semester at our faculty (incoming visiting students from partner universities) and international students wishing to study a full degree program with us (incoming degree-seeking students). Please find more information on your study options at our faculty below and contact us to learn more about your options!
Our faculty cooperates with a wide range of partners within the EU, but also worldwide. We are constantly striving to establish new partnerships - both for student and staff exchange as well as for research cooperation. The IFO offers international events, such as international afternoons or international cafés, where students of our faculty can learn about the possibilities of studying abroad. In addition, the IFO offers individual consultation hours for students and staff.
Incomings: Options for International Students
Welcome at Lingen Campus! If you are studying at one of our partner universities, you can spend one or two semesters as an incoming visiting student with us. You can choose among a wide range of modules from our study programs. Please find more information on your options below.
If you are an international student interested in pursuing a full degree, please take a look at our bachelor and master programs. You find more information on your options and application details below.
We look forward to receiving your application!
We welcome students from partner universities and freemovers who are interested in spending a visiting semester with us. You can enroll as a visiting student for a maximum of two semesters and enjoy the advantages of a small campus and study location.
Why choose a semester abroad at Lingen Campus?
- We offer diverse and practice-oriented degree programs
- Teaching and learning is very practice-oriented
- Small classes and great support from teachers and staff
- Modern learning environment with advanced facilities, equipment and laboratories
- Close cooperation with companies and organizations in the region
- Safe city with a wide range of leisure activities and low cost of living
- Students are committed to the campus and organize many student activities (parties, social events, movie nights, weekend trips...)
Studying at Lingen Campus means that you become part of a great community!
Buddy program
We offer excellent support before and during your stay with us. You will be assigned a buddy to help you find your way around, especially when you arrive in Lingen and at the beginning of the semester. Buddies are students from our faculty who will help you move into your apartment, show you around campus, and help you with any organizational issues that may arise, especially at the beginning. This should make your start in Lingen and your studies easier. Together with your buddy you can improve your German language skills and maybe even make your first friends.
Semester fees
In Germany, studies at universities are mainly funded by taxes. However, students are obliged to pay semester fees (not to be confused with tuition fees). The semester fee not only covers administrative costs (e.g. enrolment or re-registration fees), but also includes a social fee to the student service for the operation of canteens, cafeterias, halls of residence and advice centers. The semester fee also includes a payment to the General Students’ Committee (AStA) and finances the semester ticket for Germany. Therefore, with your CampusCard (Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences student ID card) you have the so called German Ticket (Deutschlandticket) which allows you to use all regional trains and busses throughout Germany!
The semester fee is approx. 360 euros per semester and is recalculated each semester. Visiting students studying at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences as part of exchange agreements with partner universities pay a semester fee reduced by the administration fee (75 euros).
Course offering
Please find our study programs here: For information on which courses are offered each semester and are available for international visiting students, please contact the IFO directly.
Language courses before the start of the semester
As an international student, you have the opportunity to take part in a German language course before the start of the semester. The language courses take place at Osnabrück Campus. You can take part in either the summer language course or the winter language course.
The language courses focus on "Society and culture, business and technology in Germany" and enable you to:
- develop and train your communication skills
- gain insights into the social and economic structures of Germany
- Get to know the country and its people
You can attend the language course before the start of the semester in Osnabrück and then start the semester with us in Lingen.
If you are interested in completing a Bachelor or Master degree program at our faculty, please check out our study programs. Please note that all of our study programs are taught in German. The Center for International Students (CIS) at our university is offering support for students interested in applying for a full degree. Here you may get advice and additional information on the admission requirements and the application procedure. You may also find information on the website Information for an application with foreign documents. Please note that the information on application requirements provided below refer to international visiting students coming from partner universities.
Why choose our faculty at Lingen Campus for your degree?
- We offer diverse and practice-oriented degree programs
- Teaching and learning is very practice-oriented
- Small classes and great support from teachers and staff
- Modern learning environment with advanced facilities, equipment and laboratories
- Close cooperation with companies and organizations in the region
- Great opportunities for employment in the region after finishing your degree
- Safe city with a wide range of leisure activities and low cost of living
- Students are committed to the campus and organize many student activities (parties, social events, movie nights, weekend trips ...)
Studying at Lingen Campus means that you become part of a great community!
Buddy program
We offer excellent support before and during your stay with us. You will be assigned a buddy to help you find your way around, especially when you arrive in Lingen and at the beginning of the semester. Buddies are students from our faculty who will help you move into your apartment, show you around campus, and help you with any organizational issues that may arise, especially at the beginning. This should make your start in Lingen and your studies easier. Together with your buddy you can improve your German language skills and maybe even make your first friends.
Semester fees
In Germany, studies at universities are mainly funded by taxes. However, students are obliged to pay semester fees (not to be confused with tuition fees). The semester fee not only covers administrative costs (e.g. enrolment or re-registration fees), but also includes a social fee to the student service for the operation of canteens, cafeterias, halls of residence and advice centers. The semester fee also includes a payment to the General Students’ Committee (AStA) and finances the semester ticket for Germany. Therefore, with your CampusCard (Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences student ID card) you have the so called German Ticket (Deutschlandticket) which allows you to use all regional trains and busses throughout Germany!
The semester fee is approx. 360 euros per semester and is recalculated each semester.
Before applying, please check the admission requirements for visiting students at our university. Visiting students from partner universities and freemovers must meet the following requirements:
Enrolment as a full-time student at a university outside of Germany
You must be enrolled at a university abroad for the entire intended period of your stay in Germany and should have already studied at your home university for at least one semester before coming here.
Language requirements
Visiting students must meet the language requirements of Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences for visiting students. Please note that the majority of courses offered by the Faculty MKT are offered in German and you must therefore provide proof of at least B1 in German.
Nomination by your home university before submitting the online application
Before you submit your application, we require a nomination from your university by e-mail to the International Faculty Office. The contact person is Katharina Freitag ( We will then send you the link to the application form and all necessary information. If you apply as a freemover and your university does not participate in our cooperation program, please contact Katharina Freitag of the International Faculty Office directly for the application process. Further information on the application process can be found in the Online Application section below.
Please submit your application for the respective semester by the following dates:
Winter semester (September to February) | 1 March to 15 May of the same year Nomination by the home university by 30 April at the latest |
Summer semester (March to August) | 1 September to 1 November of the previous year Nomination by the home university by 15 October at the latest |
Do you meet our admission requirements, can you provide proof of the required language skills and has your university nominated you by e-mail? If so, we look forward to receiving your application.
If your home university has nominated you for a visiting semester here, we will automatically send you a link to our application tool Mobility Online. You will be asked to fill out the online application form and upload your application documents. You will receive detailed information on the required application documents with the link to the online application. Your documents and data will be checked promptly after we receive your application. If something is missing or does not meet the requirements, you will receive further information from us. Provided that all details and documents are complete and accepted, you will be informed of your admission by e-mail. Once you have been admitted, you will then receive further information on finding accommodation, arranging travel and the start of your studies. If you need a visa to enter Germany, you will also receive further related information and documents with your admission.
We currently only offer internships for students in the field of nursing. If you are enrolled in a nursing program at one of our partner universities, we can arrange a clinical placement for you. If you are interested in an internship in another field, please check the internship offers of our other faculties at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences on the Internship Program website.
Clinical Placements in Nursing
Our faculty offers the dual bachelor degree program Nursing (B.Sc.). Within this program, we are offering clinical placements for international visiting students from our partner universities. If you are currently enrolled in a nursing program and are interested in getting to know the German healthcare system and gain valuable experience in a German hospital or a care facility, you can apply for a clinical placement with us. We cooperate with excellent hospitals and care facilities in the city of Lingen (where our faculty is located) and the Emsland region. After your application at our faculty, we will assign you to one of our partner facilities. Our partners offer clinical placements in different wards and nursing fields and have lots of experience with international students and staff. It is usually not necessary to have knowledge of German, however, it is of course a plus if you have basic knowledge of German to interact with patients.
Please note that you can only be enrolled as a visiting student, if you stay with us for at least three months. If you are enrolled as a visiting student, you benefit from our student ID card that allows you to use the public transportation in Germany for free. Please note that students who are enrolled with us need to pay the semester fee.
If you would like to stay less than three months, please consider that the minimum period for an internship is two months and you can not be enrolled as a visiting student in this case.
The Housing Service of Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences offers housing in furnished rooms for international visiting students. There are several rooms available in Lingen that are close to campus. Learn more about accommodation through our Housing Service, including the application process and deadlines on the website of the Housing Service.
Since 2022, the Faculty of Management, Culture and Technology contributes to the new Erasmus+ program line of so-called „Blended Intensive Programmes“ (short: BIPs) as a new short-term program. The development of short and intensive curricula and joint activities offers students from participating universities the opportunity to participate in a virtual teaching phase combined with a short on-site program phase. In a project consortium together with the University of Zagreb and the Oporto Global University, current aspects in International Business are highlighted and analyzed in interactive and intercultural workshops and events. 10 students each from Portugal, Croatia and Germany work and experience a week intensively together at one of the partner universities and before that in online mode to learn a lot about the structures of the international business world and its impact. The BIP takes place every year in the summer semester with a rotating host university, so that students from Osnabrück UAS can take part either as hosting or travelling students. The BIP is also welcoming international degree and visiting students who are currently studying at our university. More Information on the next edition of the Blended Intensive Programme can be found here.
A stay abroad is always an enriching experience - regardless of whether you decide to spend a semester or an internship abroad or take part in a summer program. During your stay you will gain valuable international experience and acquire intercultural knowledge. While abroad you will improve your language skills or even learn a new language. You benefit from the exchange with locals but also with other international students. You will be introduced to new perspectives and ways of working and will be able to gain a broader perspective. In addition to your professional training abroad, you will also develop further personally during your time abroad. You will make new contacts and new friends from all around the world. In brief: There are many reasons for a stay abroad and we would like to encourage you to take this step.
Our study programs do not include a mandatory semester abroad - it is optional but is highly recommended. For students studying in a Bachelor degree program, the fifth semester is usually the best fit for a stay abroad. For students in a Master degree program, the semester abroad is possible as of the second semester.
A semester abroad may be spent at one of the MKT faculty's partner universities. We have cooperation agreements with universities around the world. With our partner universities in Europe, we have Erasmus agreements so that you are able to take advantage of Erasmus+ funding. An overview of the partner universities and international contacts of our faculty can be found in the intranet.
You may also apply to our university-wide cooperation arrangements. The IFO supports your search for a suitable university abroad. In any case, please read the student reviews of our students who have already been abroad. Here you will receive valuable tips about our partner universities and about local life.
If you would like personal advice on your plans to go abroad, you will find the dates for the current office and advisory hours in the intranet.
In addition to counselling, we regularly offer information events such as the International Café or the International Afternoon. At these events you may inform yourself about the various stay abroad options and how to finance them and exchange ideas with students who have already been abroad. The dates can also be found in the intranet.
Students who are interested in spending a semester abroad at one of the faculty's partner universities, receive detailed information on the application procedure by the IFO.
Application Deadlines:
Winter semester abroad: March 1 of the same year
Summer semester abroad: September 15 of the previous year
Application Documents:
- Online application form (link will be sent out to all students wishing to apply)
- Letter of motivation (in German)
- CV in English
- Current Transcript of Records
- Proof of language skills (e.g. DAAD certificate)
You may find all of the information for the required application documents in the intranet.
Students have the opportunity to complete one of the required internships or a voluntary internship abroad during their studies. In the case of a required internship, it is important to clarify the recognition of the internship in advance with the study coordinator in the respective degree program. Students enrolled in a dual study program may also spend part of their practical phase abroad, for example, at a subsidiary of their company. Students who are willing to extend their study period may also go abroad for an entire internship semester.
Current internship offers are regularly published in the intranet. You may also find further tips for research in the section on International matters on our university website.
If you are going to search on your own, you should begin planning about three to six months ahead and ask the IFO for tips and support. While planning your search, be sure to read the reviews by students who have already been abroad. Here you will receive valuable tips on planning an internship abroad, the practical aspects and local living.
If you would like to receive personal advice on your plans to go abroad, you will find the dates for the current office and advisory hours in the intranet.
In addition to advisory and counselling services, we regularly offer information events such as the International Café or the International Afternoon. At these events, you may find out about the various stays abroad and how to finance them and exchange ideas with students who have already spent time abroad. The dates are also listed in the intranet.
There are various financing and scholarship options that you may consider. The Center for International Mobility of our university offers comprehensive information about financing options such as ERASMUS+, PROMOS, HAW.International and Auslands-BAföG. All programs offer financial support for semesters and internships abroad. Our MKT faculty also gives you the opportunity to apply for a mobility stipend. This lump sum allowance provides you with a grant for your stay abroad. You may find information on this in the intranet portal.
If you do not have the time to spend a whole semester abroad or if you only want to breathe a little "foreign air" for a while, you may attend summer or winter schools. These are two- to six-week programs which take place at our partner universities mainly during the lecture-free summer or winter breaks and offer a cultural program in addition to courses. Current offers for summer and winter schools can be found in the intranet portal of our faculty as well as in the international section of the central intranet page. The Summer University Lingen (SUL) takes place on Lingen campus in July. The SUL is an English-language summer program for international students as well as students of Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. The program offers an exciting mix of courses and company visits in the region with the topic "International German SME – Sustainability in Business and Technology." So if you want to gain international experience at home and spend two exciting weeks with international students from all over the world, you have come to the right place!
Since 2022, the Faculty of Management, Culture and Technology contributes to the new Erasmus+ program line of so-called „Blended Intensive Programmes“ (short: BIPs) as a new short-term program. The development of short and intensive curricula and joint activities offers students from participating universities the opportunity to participate in a virtual teaching phase combined with a short on-site program phase. In a project consortium together with the University of Zagreb and the Oporto Global University, current aspects in International Business are highlighted and analyzed in interactive and intercultural workshops and events. 10 students each from Portugal, Croatia and Germany work and experience a week intensively together at one of the partner universities and before that in online mode to learn a lot about the structures of the international business world and its impact. The BIP takes place every year in the summer semester with a rotating host university, so that students from Osnabrück UAS can take part either as hosting or travelling students. The BIP is also welcoming international degree and visiting students who are currently studying at our university. More Information on the next edition of the Blended Intensive Programme can be found here.