Game Programming and 3D Animation
- Faculty
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
- Version
Version 14.0 of 02/23/2023
- Code of Module
- Modulename (german)
Spieleprogrammierung und 3D-Animation
- Study Programmes
- Informatik - Medieninformatik (B.Sc.)
- Informatik - Technische Informatik (B.Sc.)
- Media & Interaction Design (B.A.)
- Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen - Teilstudiengang Informationstechnik (M.Ed.)
- Level of Module
- Mission Statement
Digital games have become a significant part of our everyday life. Platforms for playing games are manifold, whether you play on PC, on console on the couch, or on smartphone while traveling. Games are nowadays ubiquitous and represent a billion-dollar industry.While game genres and platforms are versatile the foundations for developing games remain the same and can be reused for different projects. Thus, understanding the foundations is crucial for successfully creating games.In this course students will learn the basic concepts and methods to develop games and create 3D assets.
- Content
The course covers the following game- & modelling-related topics:
1. 3D Modelling
2. Animations: Key frames, Procedural, Character
3. Foundations of Game Design
4. Software Architecture of Games
5. Input- and Output-Systems
6. Artificial Intelligence for Games
7. Physics Simulations
- Learning Outcomes
Knowledge Broadening
Students, which successfully studied the course, know how games are created, which techniques are used and how to develop efficiently real-time applications.
Knowledge Deepening
Students will obtain extensive knowledge in programming run-time and memory efficient applications. Furthermore they will be able to design efficient algorithms in the context of multimedia applications.
Instrumental Skills and Competences
Students will be able to develop their own games in any object-oriented programming language. Furthermore they will be able to understand the structure of commercially used game engines.
Communicative Skills and Competences
Since students have to work in groups they will gather competences in working as team player and will be able to plan, coordinate, and implement their game projects. Furthermore they have to present their work accordingly.
Systemic Skills and Competences
Students will obtain a basic overview about common techniques to program games. They will be able, to develop their own playable prototype based on given concept.
- Expected Knowledge and/or Competences
Programming I & IIMathematics I, II & IIIComputer Graphics
- Responsible of the Module
Lensing, Philipp
- Lecturer(s)
Lensing, Philipp
- Credits
- Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 30 Vorlesungen 30 Labore 2 Prüfungen Workload Dozentenungebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 24 Veranstaltungsvor-/-nachbereitung 52 Kleingruppen 12 Prüfungsvorbereitung
- Recommended Reading
Steve Rabin, 2009, Introduction to Game Development, Second Edition, Jason Gregory, 2014, Game Engine Architecture, Second Edition.Thomas Akenine-Möller, Eric Haines, Naty Hoffmann, 2008, Real-Time-Rendering, Third Edition.Mark Deloura, 2000-2010. Game Programming Gems. 1-7 Charles River Media Inc., Course Technology Press, Rockland, MA, USA.
- Graded Exam
- Two-Hour Written Examination
- Project Report, written
- Viva Voce
- Ungraded Exam
Field Work / Experimental Work
- Duration
1 Term
- Module Frequency
Only Winter Term
- Language of Instruction