Thermal Energy Technology
- Faculty
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
- Version
Version 18.0 of 08/10/2022
- Code of Module
- Modulename (german)
Thermische Energietechnik
- Study Programmes
- Maschinenbau (B.Sc.)
- Maschinenbau im Praxisverbund (B.Sc.)
- Energie-, Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik (B.Sc.)
- Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen - Teilstudiengang Metalltechnik (M.Ed.)
- Dentaltechnologie (B.Sc.)
- Kunststofftechnik (B.Sc.)
- Kunststofftechnik im Praxisverbund (B.Sc.)
- Werkstofftechnik (B.Sc.)
- Fahrzeugtechnik (Bachelor) (B.Sc.)
- Level of Module
- Mission Statement
Due to a practice-oriented imparting of the relevant content, the use and provision of thermal energy as well as the processes in thermal power plants are discussed in detail. The use and generation of heat to increase efficiency, for example by combined heat and power, heat recovery or sector coupling also occupies a large space in this module. Thermal energy plants are based on thermal transformation processes, a central component is the mediation of the basics of heat transfer. After completing the module, students are familiar with the fields of application of different thermal energy systems and the mechanisms of thermal energy.
- Content
- Introduction, data on energy supply
- Fundamentals of thermal energy technology
- Heat recovery
- Steam power process
- Combined cycle process
- other processes for the use of thermal energy
- Cogeneration
- waste heat recovery
- heat transfer
- Learning Outcomes
Knowledge Broadening
After completing the module "Thermal Energy Technology", students will be familiar with basic energy supply data and will be able to evaluate it for future scenarios. They can analyze different types of thermal and electrical energy supply and assess the use and potential of existing technologies. The students are able to interpret current trends in the efficiency improvement of thermal energy systems and know the technical background.
The students understand the different methods of using thermal energy and select the appropriate method for each application
Knowledge Deepening
After completing the module "Thermal Energy Technology", the students have detailed knowledge of concepts of thermal energy and plant technology as well as their possible applications. They know the basic components of these systems and can calculate the processes and evaluate optimization options. They are able to differentiate individual components of an energy-related systems and to make evidence-based, qualitative and quantitative reviews about their use.
Instrumental Skills and Competences
As part of the module, students are able to transfer technical problems to a computer-aided calculation method that is also industry-used. The students use common calculation methods to evaluate the results and know the underlying material data, tables and diagrams.
Communicative Skills and Competences
The students present the results obtained by calculation and measurement in a written report.
Systemic Skills and Competences
After completing the module, the students understand the different boundary conditions for the analysis of technical systems for the use and provision of thermal energy, energy conversion and thermal energy transport. They can identify suitable processes, components and procedures and develop and discuss suitable applications for technical and societal challenges.
- Responsible of the Module
Reckzügel, Matthias
- Lecturer(s)
Reckzügel, Matthias
- Credits
- Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 45 Vorlesungen 15 Labore Workload Dozentenungebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 40 Veranstaltungsvor-/-nachbereitung 15 Literaturstudium 35 Prüfungsvorbereitung
- Recommended Reading
Cerbe, G; Wilhelms, G.; Technische Thermodynamik: Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen; Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG; Auflage: 17, 2013
Schaumann, G; Schmitz, K.; Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung, Springer-Verlag, 2010
Strauss, K.; Kraftwerkstechnik, Springer Verlag, 2009
Suttor, W.: Blockheizkraftwerke, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 8. Auflage, 2014
Zahoranski, Richard A., Energietechnik; Systeme zur Energieumwandlung. Kompaktwissen für Studium und Beruf, Springer, 2015
- Graded Exam
Two-Hour Written Examination
- Ungraded Exam
Field Work / Experimental Work
- Duration
1 Term
- Module Frequency
Only Winter Term
- Language of Instruction