Leadership and Teambuilding
- Faculty
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
- Version
Version 1 of 13.12.2024.
- Module identifier
- Module level
- Language of instruction
- ECTS credit points and grading
- Module frequency
winter- and summerterm
- Duration
1 semester
- Overall workload
The total workload for the module is 150 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").
- Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning Hours of workload Type of teaching Media implementation Concretization 45 Other Presence - Lecturer independent learning Hours of workload Type of teaching Media implementation Concretization 30 Preparation/follow-up for course work - 25 Work in small groups - 50 Study of literature -
- Ungraded exam
- oral exam and Regular participation and Learning diary
- Literature
Bender, S.: Teamentwicklung. Der effektive Weg zum "Wir".
Berne, E.: Spiele der Erwachsenen. Psychologie der menschlichen Beziehungen. Reinbek (rororo).
Cohn, R.: Von der Psychoanalyse zur themenzentrierten Interaktion. 15. Aufl. Stuttgart (Klett-Cotta).
Watzlawick, P., Beavin, J.H. & Jackson, D.D.: Menschliche Kommunikation: Formen Störungen, Paradoxien. Bern (Verlag Hans Huber).
Laurie J. Mullins: Management and Organisational Behavior.
Kriz, W./Nöbauer, B.: Teamkompetenz.
Saul, Siegnar: Führen durch Kommunikation Weinheim.
Harrison Owen: The Spirit of Leadership.
jeweils in aktueller Auflage
- Applicability in study programs
- Business Law (Master)
- Business Law, LL.M.
- Person responsible for the module
- Schinnenburg, Heike
- Teachers
- Schinnenburg, Heike