Organisational Transformation Case Studies
- Faculty
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
- Version
Version 11.0 of 04/05/2022
- Code of Module
- Modulename (german)
Organisational Transformation Case Studies
- Study Programmes
- Business Management (M.A.)
- Controlling und Finanzen (M.A.)
- International Business and Management (Master) (M.A.)
- Level of Module
- Mission Statement
This module completes the major “Innovation and Transformation”. It explores the interdependent aspects of strategic, structural and cultural decisions of business organizations in an international environment and highlights the impact of these interdependent areas on organizational competitiveness and performance. Special emphasis is placed on the nature of international corporations and innovative business models.
- Content
- The following topics are dealt with in case studies:
- Corporate leadership,
- Organizational cultures
- International aspects of organizational transformation
- Power and politics in transformation processes
- Strategic decision taking
- Reorganization of top management structures
- Crises management and corporate restructuring
- Acquisition and integration of business ventures/entities
- Joint ventures
- Strategic alliances and networks.
- Learning Outcomes
Knowledge Broadening
Students identify how issues of structure, culture, power, politics, leadership
and learning can be used to understand and manage change in MNEs.
Knowledge Deepening
- get a deeper understanding of planned and emergent transformational change.
- reflect the sources of organizational culture and the influence of national culture in business transformation
Instrumental Skills and Competences
- can analyze a business case in a systematic way
- differenciate between immediate and basic issues (importance and urgency) and causes/effects.
- are able to identify constraints and opportunities in complex business transformation processes
- use qualitative and quantitative analysis to draw appropriate conclusions and find solutions
Communicative Skills and Competences
- Interpret and explain the impact of different solutions on business performance, culture and employees in specific settings (e.g. sectors, countries)
- are able to explain decision criteria and and reasons for suggested solutions
Systemic Skills and Competences
- are able to draw conclusions and develop concepts for organizational transformation
- can critically reflect strengths and weaknesses of a strategy and case solutions
- Mode of Delivery
Die Veranstaltung wird überwiegend seminaristisch durchgeführt. Die Vorlesungsanteile dienen der Einführung in die Thematik, incl. der theoretischen Konzepte und Methoden, sowie Vorbereitung von Diskussionen, Fallstudien und Gruppenarbeiten.
- Expected Knowledge and/or Competences
Knowledge of International Business, strategic management and management concepts.
- Responsible of the Module
Schinnenburg, Heike
- Lecturer(s)
- Schinnenburg, Heike
- Böhmer, Nicole
- Credits
- Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 27 Seminare 14 Übungen 2 betreute Kleingruppen 2 Prüfungen Workload Dozentenungebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 40 Veranstaltungsvor-/-nachbereitung 16 Kleingruppen 32 Prüfungsvorbereitung 17 Literaturstudium
- Recommended Reading
Mauffette-Leenders, L.A., Erskine, J.A., Leenders, M. (2007): Learning with cases. Richard Ivy School of Business.
Strategic Business Cases (yet to decide; Module starts in 2018)
Burnes, B. (2009): Managing Change
BCG (2015): Navigating a World of Digital Disruption.
Helpap, S.; Schinnenburg, H. (2016): Supervisors’ Change Communication and Employees’ Emotions: Reactions of German and Indian Employees to Organizational Change. Akzeptiert und präsentiert auf der EAWOP SGM, Athens, 8th to 10th of June 2016, Veröffentlichung in Vorbereitung.
- Graded Exam
- Two-Hour Written Examination
- Homework / Assignment
- Portfolio exam
- Examination Requirements
Students have to be able to analyze a complex business situation and to draw conclusions/develop concepts for a business transformation.
- Duration
1 Term
- Module Frequency
Only Winter Term
- Language of Instruction