International Agri-Food Supply Chains
- Faculty
Faculty of Agricultural Science and Landscape Architecture
- Version
Version 6.0 of 02/22/2023
- Code of Module
- Modulename (german)
International Agri-Food Supply Chains
- Study Programmes
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Agrar/Lebensmittel (B.Eng.)
- Level of Module
- Mission Statement
The students should acquire intercultural competences and gain insights into the foundations of agricultural policy and trade, quality assurance and market-based instruments in various countries.
- Content
- General objectives
- Knowledge about entrepreneurship in foreign countries and the influence of the political and economic environment
- Development in understanding the importance and position of the EU in agricultural business
- Experience in dealing with cultural differences and intercultural communication
- Better knowledge in English
HAS, part 1 – focus: The company-Students will be able to explore the possibilities and problems in internationalization of a company, analyzing commodity flow and value chain -Students will learn how to run a project and present the results in English for an international audience and local entrepreneur
Osnabrück, part 2 – focus: Product quality - Overview QA systems
- QA in animal and plant production
- Residues and contamination
- Further QA systems (ecological and social standards)
- Perception of quality from the consumer perspective
Poznan, part 3 – focus: Agricultural policy - Comparison of agricultural and rural development in the Netherlands, Germany and Poland within the frame of European Union integration.
- Agricultural production problems and policies from a polish perspective
- Explanation of movements and innovation in the agricultural sector
- Responsible of the Module
Kaufmann, Falko
- Lecturer(s)
- Enneking, Ulrich
- Kaufmann, Falko
- Westerheide, Jens
- Währisch, Michael
- Meseth, Nicolas
- Lehrende der Fakultät AuL
- Credits
- Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 135 Seminare 30 Übungen 15 Exkursionen Workload Dozentenungebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 75 Literaturstudium 90 Veranstaltungsvor-/-nachbereitung 45 Prüfungsvorbereitung 60 Referate
- Recommended Reading
- Luning, P.A.; Devlieghere, F. (ed.) (2006): Safety in the agri-food chain. Wageningen Academic publishers, 688p., Wageningen, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-90-7699-877-0Anleitungen zu QS-Systemen
- McMahon, J. A. (2015): Research Handbook on EU Agriculture Law
- Brian, J. (2009): Agriculture and EU Environmental Law, RoutledgeSelected legal sources of binding law
- Graded Exam
- Two-Hour Written Examination
- Viva Voce
- Examination Requirements
- Duration
1 Term
- Module Frequency
Only Summer Term
- Language of Instruction