Current Topics in Communication Management
- Faculty
Institute of Communication
- Version
Version 13.0 of 12/12/2022
- Code of Module
- Modulename (german)
Aktuelle Themen des Kommunikationsmanagements
- Study Programmes
Kommunikationsmanagement (B.A.)
- Level of Module
- Mission Statement
The discipline of communication management has developed a range of subfields as a result of changes in society and economy. The critical reflection of the processes and phenomena of organizational communication, and of the methods attempting to strategically plan organizational communication requires the analysis of these changes. Also, subfields need to be critically reflected with regard to their contribution to organizational effectiveness and organizational responsibility.
- Content
- Organizational communication
- Strategic communication-Implications of societal, economic, and ecological transformations for organizational communication
- Definition and integration of communication management’s subfields-Management and evaluation of subfields
- Responsible of the Module
Schwägerl, Christian
- Lecturer(s)
- Schwägerl, Christian
- Knorre, Susanne
- Osterheider, Felix
- Schütte, Dagmar; Baum, Achim
- Credits
- Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 30 Vorlesungen 30 Vorlesungen Workload Dozentenungebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 30 Hausarbeiten 20 Hausarbeiten 20 Hausarbeiten 20 Hausarbeiten
- Recommended Reading
Cooren, F., & Stücheli-Herlach, P. (Hrsg.) (2021). Handbook of management communication. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter Mouton.
Einwiller, S., S. Sackmann & A. Zerfaß (2020). Handbuch Mitarbeiterkommunikation. Interne Kommunikation in Unternehmen. Wiesbaden: SpringerGabler.
Fröhlich, R., P. Szyszka & G. Bentele (Hg.) (2015). Handbuch der Public Relations. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Karmasin, M. (2015). PR im Stakeholder-Ansatz. In: Fröhlich, R., P. Szyszka & G. Bentele (Hg.). Handbuch der Public Relations. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 341-355.
Kastens, I. E., & Busch, A. (Hrsg.). (2016). Handbuch Wirtschaftskommunikation: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur Unternehmenskommunikation. Tübingen: Francke UTB.
Mast, C. (2019). Unternehmenskommunikation. 7. Aufl. München & Tübingen: UVK.
Zerfaß, A.; Verčič, D.; Nothhaft, H. & Werder, K. P. (2018). Strategic Communication: Defining the Field and its Contribution to Researchand Practice. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 12(4), 487-505, DOI: 10.1080/1553118X.2018.1493485
Zerfaß, A., M. Piwinger & U. Röttger (2020). Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation. Wiesbaden: SpringerGabler.
- Graded Exam
- Viva Voce
- Homework / Assignment
- Two-Hour Written Examination
- Oral Presentation / Seminar Paper
- Presentation
- Ungraded Exam
- Work samples, medial
- Work samples, written
- Presentation
- Examination Requirements
- Duration
1 Term
- Module Frequency
Only Winter Term
- Language of Instruction