Communication Controlling
- Faculty
Institute of Communication
- Version
Version 9.0 of 12/16/2022
- Code of Module
- Modulename (german)
- Study Programmes
Kommunikation und Management (M.A.)
- Level of Module
- Mission Statement
The task of communications management is to support the organization in achieving its goals. To this end, the strategies and instruments of communication must be aligned with the strategic organizational goals, i.e., to promote value creation processes in the organization or to make an independent contribution to value creation. The aim is to ensure that the right things (effectiveness) are done correctly (efficiency). This strategic and operational communication controlling includes measuring and assessing action and communication processes (evaluation) as well as steering efforts derived from them. This capability promotes the professionalization of communications managers desired on the job market.
- Content
- 1. Economic theories and their implications for communication controlling (neo-classical, Keynesianism, institutional economics)
- 2. Strategic management / value creation
2.1 Market-oriented management (competitive advantages through cost leadership or differentiation according to Porter)
2.2 Resource-oriented management (E. Penrose) - 3. Value-based management and controlling
3.1 Shareholder and stakeholder value / controlling by key figures (ROI, EVA) / concept of value drivers in companies
3.2 Controlling as a process of goal setting, planning and steering of thecompany/ Plan-determined corporate controlling under discussion
3.3 Operational controlling
3.4 Strategic controlling
4 Corporate value and intangible assets
4.1 "Intangible assets": Recognition and measurement
4.2 Accounting for communication services
4.3 Brand value as a monetary parameter
5 Balanced Scorecard as a central method of controlling
5.1 Basic model of the BSC
5.2 Value drivers and KPIs
5.3 Monetary and non-monetary KPIs
5.4 Strategy development and communication as the core of the BSC
5.5 Strategy map
5.6 Other multidimensional management models: RepTrak, EFQM, Value Circel, Social Controlling - 6. Historical development: from ethics, evaluation, quality, value creation to communication controlling, definitions
- 7. Communication controlling
7.1 Evaluation models DPRG
7.2 Communication Scorecard Models
7.3 Quality models - 8. Evaluation practice
8.1 Theoretical explanations for evaluation practice
8.2 Success typology of communication management
8.3 Measurement methods offline / online
8.4 Big Data applications in communication management
8.4 Attempts at standardization in PR evaluation
- Responsible of the Module
Fuhrberg, Reinhold
- Lecturer(s)
- Schwägerl, Christian
- Fuhrberg, Reinhold
- Knorre, Susanne
- Harden, Lars
- Credits
- Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 30 Vorlesungen 30 Seminare Workload Dozentenungebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 10 Veranstaltungsvor-/-nachbereitung 20 Referate 20 Literaturstudium 20 Kleingruppen 20 Prüfungsvorbereitung
- Recommended Reading
Alter, Roland (2011): Strategisches Controlling. Unterstützung des strategischen Managements, München: OldenbourgBesson, Nanette Aimée (2008): Strategische PR-Evaluation. Erfassung, Bewertung und Kontrolle von Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Wiesbaden.Buhmann, Alexander, Jim Macnamara und Ansgar Zerfass (2019): Reviewing the ‘march to standards’ in public relations: a comparative analysis of four seminal measurement and evaluation initiatives. Public Relations Review., Ralf, Stoi, Roman (2013): Unternehmensführung, München: Vahlen, 4. überarb. Aufl. (Kap. 4 Planung und Kontrolle)Esch, F.R., Langner, T., Bruhn, M. (Hrsg.) (2016): Handbuch Controlling der Kommunikation, Wiesbaden: Springer GablerGriepentrog, Wolfgang und Manfred Piwinger (2017): Due Diligence in der Unternehmens- kommunikation. Mit den richtigen Fragen zum Kommunikationserfolg. Wiesbaden: Springer GablerHammer, Richard (2015): Unternehmensplanung, Berlin/Boston: deGruyter, 9. Aufl.Kaplan, Robert S., Norton, D. P. (1997): Balanced Scorecard. Strategien erfolgreich umsetzen. Stuttgart: Schaeffer-PoeschelKaplan, Robert S. und David P. Norton (2004): Strategy Maps. Der Weg von immateriellen Werten zum materiellen Erfolg. Stuttgart: Schaeffer-PoeschelMöller, Klaus, Piwinger, Manfred, Zerfaß, Ansgar (Hrsg.) (2009): Immaterielle Vermögenswerte, Stuttgart: Schaeffer-PoeschelPfannenberg, Jörg, Zerfaß, Ansgar (Hrsg.) (2010): Wertschöpfung durch Kommunikation. Kommunikations-Controlling in der Unternehmenspraxis. Frankfurt am Main: FAZRolke Lothar, Buhmann Alexander, Zerfaß Ansgar (2020) Evaluation und Controlling der Un-ternehmenskommunikation. In: Zerfaß A., Piwinger M., Röttger U. (Hrsg.) Handbuch Unterneh-menskommunikation. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden., Lothar, Sass, Jan (Hrsg.) (2016): Kommunikationssteuerung: Wie Unternehmenskommunikation in der digitalen Gesellschaft ihre Ziele erreicht, Wiesbaden: SpringerSteinmann, Horst, Schreyögg, Georg unter Mitarbeit von Jochen Koch (2013): Management. Grundlagen der Unternehmensführung. Konzepte – Funktionen - Fallstudien. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 7. Aufl.Volk, Sophia (2016): A systematic review of 40 years of public relations evaluation and meas-urement research: Looking into the past, the present, and future. In: Public Relations Review, 42. Jg. Nr. 5, S. 962–977 Weber, Jürgen, Schäffer, Utz (2011): Einführung in das Controlling, Stuttgart: Schaeffer-Poeschel, 13., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage Wiencierz, Christian et al. (2017): Startklar für Big Data. Chancen, Voraussetzungen und An-wendungen für die Unternehmenskommunikation. (Communication Insights, Issue 4) Leipzig, Akademische Gesellschaft für Unternehmensführung & Kommunikation.Will, Markus (2007): Wertorientiertes Kommunikationsmanagement. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel
- Graded Exam
- Viva Voce
- Homework / Assignment
- Two-Hour Written Examination
- Oral Presentation / Seminar Paper
- Ungraded Exam
Work samples, written
- Examination Requirements
- Duration
1 Term
- Module Frequency
Only Summer Term
- Language of Instruction