Research database
of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences
All publicly-funded research projects from A to Z
All research projects which are recorded, are located centrally in our research database. You can search for key words, or narrow your search by setting filters. (websites only available in German)
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Programme Evaluation for Tranparency and recognition of Skills and Qualifications TLQAA+ EU WiSo GGW
- Projektlaufzeit:
- 13.10.2018 - 14.10.2019
- Antragsteller/in:
- Prof. Volker Gehmlich
- Drittmittelgeber/Förderlinie:
- Erasmus Aufbau
- Fakultät:
- Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Fördersumme:
- 40.947 €
- Projektpartner extern:
- University of Balamand Kelhat El-Koura, Lebanon
- Logo Fördermittelgeber: