Facts & figures

Degree program Business Information Systems in brief

Facts & figures


Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Type of study

First degree

Standard period of study

6 semesters


Osnabrück – Caprivi Campus

Start of studies

Winter semester

Application deadline

July 15 (different deadlines for applicants with foreign university entry qualifications, for details please refer to application deadlines with uni-assist)

Admission requirements

Abitur, advanced technical college entrance qualification, or equivalent preparatory training

Admission restrictions

Yes, 40 study places

Credit points


Language of instruction


Placement test



Study program combining computer science and business administration, use of the latest information and communications technology

Areas of focus

Corporate Information Management Plus – part-time, professionally qualifying form of the degree program; compulsory elective modules from the areas of Logistics, Controlling, and Quantitative Methods


Semester fee

Study abroad

A semester abroad is possible. Organizational support is provided by the International Office of the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences and the Office of Corporate Information Management.

Practical project

Practice-oriented IT projects are carried out starting in the 3rd semester.