Facts & figures
Degree program Business Information Systems in brief
Facts & figures
- Degree
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
- Type of study
First degree
- Standard period of study
6 semesters
- Location
Osnabrück – Caprivi Campus
- Start of studies
Winter semester
- Application deadline
July 15 (different deadlines for applicants with foreign university entry qualifications, for details please refer to application deadlines with uni-assist)
- Admission requirements
Abitur, advanced technical college entrance qualification, or equivalent preparatory training
- Admission restrictions
Yes, 40 study places
- Credit points
- Language of instruction
- Placement test
- Features
Study program combining computer science and business administration, use of the latest information and communications technology
- Areas of focus
Corporate Information Management Plus – part-time, professionally qualifying form of the degree program; compulsory elective modules from the areas of Logistics, Controlling, and Quantitative Methods
- Costs
- Study abroad
A semester abroad is possible. Organizational support is provided by the International Office of the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences and the Office of Corporate Information Management.
- Practical project
Practice-oriented IT projects are carried out starting in the 3rd semester.