Open Space Planning (B.Eng.)
Bachelor of Engineering
Features of the degree program Open Space Planning

The degree program Open Space Planning is the planning and design part landscape architecture. The program aims to equip students with manual, digital and scientific methods for open space planning activities. It is characterized by dealing with the development of urban and rural spaces (gardens, squares, parks, pathways, promenades, cemetaries, roads etc.), considering aesthetic, socio-cultural, planning legislative, technological, functional, ecological and economic requirements. The degree program focuses on three areas:
- Conceptualizing as course of activity in open space planning
- Cities and rural spaces as areas of activity in open space planning
- Plants, material and tehcnology as tools of activity in open space planning
The degree program at a glance
- Degree
Bachelor of Engineering
- Start
Winter semester
- Placement test
See 'Application'
- Standard period of study
6 semesters
- Language
- Type of study
Full-time undergraduate degree program with an emphasis on project studies
- Numerus Clausus
- Location
Osnabrück - Haste
- Admission restriction
- Academic information and guidance
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Junker
Degree program advisor
Room: HM 0113
Phone: +49(0)541 969-5175
- General information and coordination
Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Thierer
Room: HD 0109
Phone: +49 (0)541 969-5261
- Application, admission and exams
Birgit Steven
Registrar's office
Room: HD 0030
Phone: +49(0)541 969-5139
Office hours:Mondays and Thursdays 9:00 am - 03:00 pm
and Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm