International Study Program

May 11 to June 20, 2025


The International Study Program is a six-week-long, intensive and interdisciplinary program in the areas of engineering and environmental planning. It takes place at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences each summer semester in May and June.

The goal of the program is to introduce students to new ways of thinking about the real-world challenges of sustainability and their potential role in solving such problems with innovative approaches.

The International Study Program is a great opportunity for visiting students to combine practice-oriented studies with an interesting cultural experience and to receive 10 ECTS Credit Points (typically 2 US Courses) in a short period of time, allowing them to pursue other activities, like internships, during the regular semester.

Students of Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences can earn up to 5 ECTS through the program by participating in the intensive workshop held during the project week of the Faculty of Agricultural Science and Landscape Architecture. More information is available at the bottom of this page.


The International Study Program explores the technological, historical and environmental facets of sustainability innovation in Germany.

Through lab and project work, theoretical input, discussion and company visits, students gain a comprehensive view of innovation processes which transcend disciplinary borders and deepen their understanding of the role and scope of their own discipline therein.

The program is designed for students from various fields in the areas of engineering and agricultural science. It consists of three parts:

  • one survey course (Course 1)
  • one intensive workshop (Course 2)
  • and the accompanying cultural module “Living Society.”

In total, it is worth 10 ECTS credit points.

In addition, the contact between visiting and local students – whether in the classroom, during study trips or at social events – enables intercultural exchange and offers an unforgettable experience abroad.

More detailed information on the program components can be found below.


Information for Students from Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

Are you interested in gaining intercultural experience and/or credits towards your degree by traveling, studying and working together with US and Canadian students in small groups? What if you could do it without leaving Osnabrück? You can! Join the International Study Program and earn up to 5 ECTS fast!


Prof. Dr. Dirk Junker

Academic Director
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Landscape Architecture

Prof. Dr. Svea Petersen

Academic Director
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science




Maréen Wiesing

Center for International Mobility
+49 (0)541 969-3979