Features of the degree program

Intelligent product concepts and innovative manufacturing technology are the basis of competitive production. Indispensable conditions for this are the technical and methodological skills of specialists in product development and production technology. In the degree program Development and Production, students learn the concepts, methods, and techniques in the wide field of development and production. In addition to excellent career perspectives in industry, the Master degree (M. Sc.) opens up further possibilities of promotion and access to high-level civil service.

Further Information


Academic information and guidance

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ansgar Wahle
Degree program coordinator
E-mal: a.wahle@hs-osnabrueck.de

General information and coordination

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mechlinski
Academic Dean of Mechanical Engineering
E-mail: t.mechlinski@hs-osnabrueck.de 

Dipl.-Kffr. (FH) Agnes Kenkel
Academic Dean’s Office
E-mail: a.kenkel@hs-osnabrueck.de

Application, admission and exams

Elke Cherek
Registrar's office
E-mail: e.cherek@hs-osnabrueck.de