International Accreditation
News and Events
News and Events
Information about activities and events in the course of the accreditation process is provided here:
During the international accreditation process the project team cooperates with various departments of the university and works with different colleagues on concrete topics during different stages of the process. The process is ongoing over several semesters. Therefore, the project team informs all colleagues involved as well as interested persons through an internal newsletter that is sent periodically via email and contains information about current developments in the project as well as the status of its milestones.
The editions of the newsletter can also be found here (German only):
The EFMD Annual Conference "Navigating geopolitical tensions, AI and fostering a human-centered future" took place at Bologna Business School from June 9 - 11, 2024. The venue, the Aula Magna with its surrounding historic buildings of the Università di Bologna in the heart of Bologna's old town, provided an impressive conference venue for the more than 600 participants from EFMD-accredited and EFMD member universities worldwide.
The Faculty was represented by the project team Prof. Dr. Kay Hofmann, Head of IM, Sabine Kohlsaat, Project Manager International Accreditation, and Nathalie Banehr, Project Team Member. The panel discussions and presentations, in which the CEO of Ferrari, Benedetto Vigna, and the former President of the EU Commission, Romano Prodi, spoke, dealt with current topics such as "AI and the future of work", "Global conflicts and their impact on business schools", "Artificial intelligence and its ethical implications" and "The role of business schools in building a human-centered future".
The project team also attended the following workshops (break-out session): "Critical thinking: A must have to deal with Gen AI and the climate crisis", "Valuing and nurturing the individual", "Sustainability in business schools" and "Gen Z: expectations and needs".
The conference also provided opportunities for networking and the project team exchanged valuable experiences with representatives from German, European and non-European universities on the accreditation process. Various discussions were also held with representatives of the EFMD.
From June 11 to 13, 2023, the EFMD Annual Conference was held under the title "The role of business education in an unstable, unpredictable and unsustainable world". The venue was the emlyon Business School in Lyon, France. The project team was represented by Prof. Dr. Kay Hofmann, head of the IM program, and Sabine Kohlsaat, head of the international accreditation project. Approximately 600 university representatives from business schools and business-oriented colleges and universities worldwide were represented at the conference. In addition to workshops, panel discussions and presentations on current topics in management education, the conference offered numerous opportunities for networking with other universities and for exchanging experiences, including on the EFMD accreditation process. For the project team, the conference program also included a meeting with Prof. Dr. Barbara Sporn, Director of EFMD Program Accreditation, in which the next steps of the process were discussed and helpful feedback on the eligibility decision was provided.
On 28 April 2022, the kick-off event for the international accreditation of the International Management B.A. program took place via Zoom.
Lecturers teaching in the program had the opportunity to learn about the goals and requirements of the international accreditation process and to discuss various aspects of the Faculty's strategy with the dean's office and project team. Furthermore, the development of the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) for the study program and the modules was another focus of the event.
Dean Prof. Dr. Andrea Braun von Reinersdorff opened the event and emphasized the importance of international accreditation for the international positioning of the entire university. Academic Dean Prof. Dr. Hendrik Lackner also emphasized the necessity of international accreditation for the Faculty in order to remain competitive on an international level and to increase its attractiveness for international partners.
As a basis for the afternoon workshop, program director Prof. Dr. Kay Hofmann presented a first draft for programme ILOs, which form the basis for the formulation of the individual course ILOs. The subsequent presentations by Academic Dean Prof. Dr. Ursula Hübner on the state of digitalization and its use in an international context and by Academic Dean Prof. Dr. Stefan Maykus on the Faculty’s understanding of education provided further important information for the development of the program and course ILOs. At the end of the morning, Annika Morgret presented the technical framework for module descriptions.
In the afternoon, the attending faculty worked in small groups to develop initial ideas for the formulation of course ILOs, the results of which will be made available to all faculty teaching in the program as a follow-up. The development of the course ILOs shall be completed by fall 2022.
Program and slides (in German language)
Program International accreditation kick-off event
Bedeutung der internationalen Akkreditierung für die Fakultät WiSo - Prof. Dr. Hendrik Lackner
EFMD - Kriterien, Anforderungen, Prozesse - Sabine Kohlsaat
Strategie „Digitalisierung in Studium, Lehre und Weiterbildung 2023“ - Prof. Dr. Ursula Hübner
Das WiSo-Bildungsverständnis - als Rahmen für die Weiterentwicklung des Studiengangs und der ILOs - Prof. Dr. Stephan Maykus
Modulbeschreibungen - Neues MoPPS und die Bedeutung der Modulbeschreibungen für die ILOs - Annika Morgret