Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences

Methods Consulting of the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences

The Methods Consulting of the WiSo-IT supports members of the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences (students, teachers and staff members) with methodical issues. We primarily give advise on questions about IT tools and quantative methods.

We consult individually at problems and questions before and during the process of writing theses. Information sessions to certain topics during classes are also possible. Please contact us.


We cover the following topics:

Themen Beratungsangebote und Tools
Literature search and management Literature data bases, Citavi
Construction of questionnaires and data gathering LimeSurvey1
Data preparation SPSS, R, Excel, MAXQDA
Statistical analysis Descriptive and inference-statistical methods
Study design and sampling E.g., longitudinal study, cross-sectional study, experiments, random samples, GPower
Presentation and visualisation of results Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Ethical and legal issues E.g., Consent
Usability Questionnaires, Eye-Tracking
Information and process modeling ARIS Express, Visual Paradigm, Enterprise Architect, Adonis
Project management MS Project
Plagiarism detection2 Similarity2


1 Please note the information about LimeSurvey, incl. access, in the Serviceportal.

2 Only for teaching staff


Counseling times: according to individual agreement

Concerning a coultation meeing, please contact Mareike Przysucha, she will forward your request to the responsible colleague.

The normal consulations take place on Tuesday and Friday by zoom.

Mareike Przysucha, M.Sc.

Blumenthalstraße (CO 0108)
Phone: 0541 969-3354
E-Mail: methodenberatung-wiso@hs-osnabrueck.de

As service for studients we provide a template for theses in word. In addition to predefined formats you find helpful hints for writing assignments and bachelor and master theses.

Template for scientific theses in Word


We gathered first information in a course in the learning management platform ILIAS.

In addition we created a YouTube channel for the Methods Consulting, containing playlists with videos, which might be relevant, and channel abonnements.



Use of software development tools is made available to University of applied sciences Osnabrück by the Academic Partner Program from Visual Paradigm for educational use.