General Tasks


  • Data backup and server in the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
  • User administration for the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences

Procurement and lending of hardware and software

  • Lending of PCs and media technology
  • Lending of mobile devices
  • Procurement of hard- and software

Support for hardware, software, network systems, mobile devices

  • Lecturer computers in lecture and meeting rooms
  • Media technology in lecture and meeting rooms
  • Lecturer PCs, office PCs
  • Network resources and services
  • Large screen in the foyer of the CN building
  • PC training rooms
  • Open learning rooms
  • Cloud applications
  • Applications in the area of office communication
  • Official IT devices for teaching staff and employees

Media device pool

The media equipment pool manages and lends out various media equipment to faculty members (teaching, research, students). In addition to lending media and equipment, the extensive services include, in particular, advice on all questions relating to the use of media technology and the technical use of media in the field of new media. The media equipment pool is happy to receive suggestions for the purchase of new media.


Media equipment pool of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Phone: 0541 969-2204