Main Research Area Health, Society and the Economy

Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences

Main Research Area Health, Society and the Economy

Shaping transformations with a view to the future

Insights for a better future – we shape changes in health, society and the economy

Changes such as demographic change, digitalized living and working environments, the need for sustainable value creation, but also anti-democratic developments require extensive transformation processes. Existing structural problems such as a shortage of skilled workers, racism and other forms of discrimination, precarious working conditions, separate medical care systems or low recognition of care work must be overcome.

Researchers in the fields of health informatics, data science, psychology, nursing, midwifery, therapy, nutrition and social sciences, political science and law, as well as economics are looking for future-oriented and socially relevant solutions across disciplinary boundaries. The opportunities and challenges of digitization and artificial intelligence are an inseparable part of this.

By researching future-proof care systems and business models for sustainable value creation, they are initiating urgently needed changes in health, society and the economy. The findings contribute directly to improved care and value creation and thus to a future worth living for patients, clients and citizens. At the same time, they are changing organizations, companies and society as a whole.

Further information on the main research area „Health, Society and the Economy“

Basic and applied research using the example of the young discipline of physiotherapy
Science for everyone and hands-on at the Campus Night at Westerberg
Research at the interface of human work and artificial intelligence