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Einträge werden geladen
01.09.2017 - 31.01.2022
Prof. Dr. Andreas Bettin
Interreg V b
Agrarwissenschaften und Landschaftsarchitektur
€ 128.000,00
Projektpartner extern:
Lead Beneficiary Aarhus University; Project Beneficiaries, Denmark; LWK Nds.; Provincial Proefcentrum, Belgium; Proefcentrum Voor Sieteelt, Belgium; Urban Crops; Belgium; Mermans, Belgium

Greenhouse production of fresh fruit, vegetables and ornamentals is a successful, innovative component of the NSR economy with an output of €9 bn p.a. and directly employing >500K persons. It embraces >10,000 SMEs and a large high technology supply chain. It helps provide sustainable, healthy and nutritious diets to consumers. However, all producers in the NSR are facing similar challenges, including a high reliance on energy (CO2 output >6.6MT), water and a low uptake of renewables.

Eco-innovations in new or improved control methods/services to reduce the use of resources (energy, water and chemicals) and decreases CO2 emission is needed. In this programme we will use novel Big Data analysis combined with practical demonstrations in SME securing a leap towards a greener, sustainable and more energy efficient (by 10%) production system. Delivery requires a transnational collaboration to synthesize leading competences and to build new ways of linking SMEs to the greening action.

SmartGreen connects experienced research groups and SMEs to create a strong synergy to
promote the greening of the NSR industry. By fostering innovative eco-enterprise, we can
maintain NSR economic growth whilst generating significant environmental benefits: less
pollution, lower emissions and longer-lasting use of resources. The transnational nature of
these projects will stimulate the development and adoption of eco-friendly and low-carbon
products, green services and processes in greenhouses in NSR.

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