Religious and Cultural Diversity
- Fakultät
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Version
Version 7.0 vom 28.06.2019
- Modulkennung
- Modulname (englisch)
Religious and Cultural Diversity
- Studiengänge mit diesem Modul
Soziale Arbeit (B.A.)
- Niveaustufe
- Kurzbeschreibung
Migration is one of the social problems that occur in the field of international social work not only in Europe but worldwide. In that respect awareness about cultural diversity is pivotal. The module provides the opportunity to reflect issues concerning cultural diversity in a group of students from different European countries.A lot of problems regarding cultural diversity refer to religious diversity. These issues are in the focus of the seminar discussion. The seminar also provides the opportunity to explore the practice of interreligious learning during field trips.
- Lehrinhalte
- 1 Culture and Identity
1.1 Identity and interaction
1.2 Identity and the experience of alterity
1.3 Collective and individual identity
2 Religion and identity
2.1 Religion and modernity
2.2 Paradigms of the relationship between religions
2.3 Interreligious competence
3 Interreligious learning
3.1 Concepts in interreligious learning - 32. Examples of interreligious learning (field trips)
- 1 Culture and Identity
- Lernergebnisse / Kompetenzziele
The students know basic theories concerning identity generation. They understand how challenging it is, to shape one's identity under the circumstances of foreignness and in encountering strangers.
The students know approaches of sociology in order to understand how relevant religion in a modern society is.
They know approaches of the religious sciences, which define the relationship between religions.
The students know concepts of interreligious learning.
Können - instrumentale Kompetenz
Können - kommunikative Kompetenz
The students are able to communicate in a religious and culturally diverse environment.
They are able to broach issues that relate to religious diversity in an appropriate way.
Können - systemische Kompetenz
- Lehr-/Lernmethoden
Lecture, discussion, group work, self-study, field trips
- Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse
Knowledge about basic theories in the field of ethics.
- Modulpromotor
Kuhnke, Ulrich
- Lehrende
Kuhnke, Ulrich
- Leistungspunkte
- Lehr-/Lernkonzept
Workload Dozentengebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 30 Seminare 30 Exkursionen Workload Dozentenungebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 30 Literaturstudium 30 Veranstaltungsvor-/-nachbereitung 30 Hausarbeiten
- Literatur
Berger, P.L., The Many Altars of Modernity. Towards a Paradigm for Religion in a Pluralist Age, Boston - Berlin 2014
Trigg, R., Religious Diversity. Philosophical and Political Dimensions, Cambridge 2014
Eppenstein, T. / Kiesel, D., Soziale Arbeit interkulturell. Theorien - Spannungsfelder - reflexive Praxis, Stuttgart 2008
Heinemann, S., Interkulturalität. Eine Herausforderung für Kirche und Diakonie, Neukirchen-Vluyn 2012
- Prüfungsleistung
- Hausarbeit
- Klausur 2-stündig
- Referat
- Prüfungsanforderungen
The capability to reflect social issues in the context of religious and cultural diversity and to conceptualize social practice as a response to such issues.
- Dauer
1 Semester
- Angebotsfrequenz
Nur Wintersemester
- Lehrsprache