- Fakultät
Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (WiSo)
- Version
Version 1 vom 29.11.2023.
- Modulkennung
- Niveaustufe
- Unterrichtssprache
- ECTS-Leistungspunkte und Benotung
- Häufigkeit des Angebots des Moduls
nur Wintersemester
- Dauer des Moduls
1 Semester
- Kurzbeschreibung
The nonprofit-sector is financed by a mixture of its own revenues, public money, and external private funding. The “Fundraising” module focuses on the strategic raising of external private funds.
- Lehr-Lerninhalte
- Specifics of fundraising in the nonprofit-sector as opposed to public relations and marketing
- Specifics of “products” in the nonprofit-sector
- From situation analysis to mission and corporate identity
- Image analysis and how to influence the image of an NPO
- Storytelling in fundraising
- Forms of fundraising
- Forms of financing for NPOs
- Increasing competition in the fundraising market
- Distinction between donations and sponsoring, the fiscal framework
- The fundraising process
- Fundraising tools
- Fundraising database
- Success factors in fundraising
- Online fundraising
- Gesamtarbeitsaufwand
Der Arbeitsaufwand für das Modul umfasst insgesamt 150 Stunden (siehe auch "ECTS-Leistungspunkte und Benotung").
- Lehr- und Lernformen
Dozentengebundenes Lernen Std. Workload Lehrtyp Mediale Umsetzung Konkretisierung 45 Seminar Präsenz - Dozentenungebundenes Lernen Std. Workload Lehrtyp Mediale Umsetzung Konkretisierung 30 Prüfungsvorbereitung - 40 Veranstaltungsvor- und -nachbereitung - 35 Literaturstudium -
- Benotete Prüfungsleistung
- Hausarbeit oder
- Klausur oder
- Referat (mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung)
- Prüfungsdauer und Prüfungsumfang
Written assignment: between 5 and 20 pages
Written examination: see applicable study regulations
Report: between 20 and 40 minutes with a written paper of between 5 and 15 pages
The requirements are specified in the relevant class.
- Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse
Basic knowledge gained from the “Marketing” module in the second semester of the degree program.
- Wissensverbreiterung
Students who have successfully completed this module have acquired a thorough knowledge of the strategic fundraising process in the nonprofit-sector. Working with case studies, they have learned to develop strategic fundraising concepts and to implement specific fundraising activities. They have the ability to analyze and solve complex fundraising decision problems based on scientific sources.
- Wissensvertiefung
Students who have successfully completed this module have a knowledge and understanding of the subject area of fundraising, and are aware of the challenges and opportunities the subject presents for theory and practice.
- Wissensverständnis
Students who have successfully completed this module are proficient in using various tools and models for raising funds and for attracting and retaining donors.
- Nutzung und Transfer
Students who have successfully completed this module apply all the fundraising tools they have learned to cases and circumstances, demonstrating originality and creativity in the process.
- Kommunikation und Kooperation
Students who have successfully completed this module are able to analyze different fundraising campaigns; they recognize potential conflicts from the relevant visual and written language. Students have gained an understanding of how to communicate with all types of donor groups.
- Wissenschaftliches Selbstverständnis / Professionalität
Students assess their skills to determine whether this area could be where their future career lies. They also develop an ethical understanding of the issue of fundraising, and establish their own professional perspective and opinion on the matter. Students are also able to reflect on and classify the issue of the use of funds in fundraising after successfully completing the module.
- Literatur
Urselmann, Michael (2018) - Fundraising, professionelle Mittelbeschaffung für gemeinwohlorientierte Organisationen, jeweils aktuelle Auflage, Springer Gabler
Bangert, K. (2011) - Handbuch Spendenwesen, Wiesbaden
Haibach, Marita (2012) - Handbuch Fundraising, Campus
Anheier, Helmut; Toepler, Stefan (2020): The Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Management, Routledge, New York
Crole, Barabara (2016) - Profi Handbuch Fundraising, Walhalla
Neugebauer, L. M., & Zanko, I. (2021). Lead Community Fundraising : Successfully Connecting People Digitally. Imprint: Springer.
Klein, K. (2007). Fundraising for social change. Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Imprint.
- Zusammenhang mit anderen Modulen
The “Fundraising” module is directly related to the “Marketing and public relations” module. The content of these two modules is interlinked.
- Verwendbarkeit nach Studiengängen
- Management in Nonprofit-Organisations
- Management in Nonprofit-Organisations M.A. (01.09.2024)
- Modulpromotor*in
- Birnkraut, Gesa
- Lehrende
- Birnkraut, Gesa