Strategic Management in Disruptive Times – Theory and Practice
- Fakultät
Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (WiSo)
- Version
Version 1 vom 25.11.2024.
- Modulkennung
- Niveaustufe
- Unterrichtssprache
- ECTS-Leistungspunkte und Benotung
- Häufigkeit des Angebots des Moduls
nur Sommersemester
- Dauer des Moduls
1 Semester
- Kurzbeschreibung
This course is for future managers and leaders that are keen to be involved in the startegic management process in organisation during disruptive phases. The module is designed to assist students to develop a strategic mindset and to acquire the essential skills to survive a turbulent business world. They will be introduced to concepts and analytical tools covering the strategic analysis, the identification and choice of strategic options and address the challenges and pitfalls of implementing strategy. A dynamic and hands on approach is taken throughout the lecture activities and case studies where participants are challenged to think and reflect about how to apply strategic frameworks and concepts to their own research work . By the end of the course students should be equipped with the tools and techniques to be effective in thinking and acting strategically.
- Lehr-Lerninhalte
1. Strategic Environment.
2. Disruptive forces and their impact.
3. Alignment and Adjustment of strategies due to disruption.
4. Evaluation of Strategic Capabilities.
5. Strategic Purpose.
6. Disruptive Scope.
7. Strategy Development Process.
8. Assessment of Strategic Management.
9. Critical Reflection on Strategy and Disruption.
- Gesamtarbeitsaufwand
Der Arbeitsaufwand für das Modul umfasst insgesamt 150 Stunden (siehe auch "ECTS-Leistungspunkte und Benotung").
- Lehr- und Lernformen
Dozentengebundenes Lernen Std. Workload Lehrtyp Mediale Umsetzung Konkretisierung 10 Vorlesung Präsenz - 35 betreute Kleingruppen Präsenz - Dozentenungebundenes Lernen Std. Workload Lehrtyp Mediale Umsetzung Konkretisierung 30 Prüfungsvorbereitung - 40 Veranstaltungsvor- und -nachbereitung - 35 Arbeit in Kleingruppen -
- Benotete Prüfungsleistung
- Portfolio-Prüfungsleistung
- Bemerkung zur Prüfungsart
The portfolio examination covers 100 points and consists of a one-hour written examination and a case study report (presentation and written report). The written examination is weighted by 40 points and the report by 60 points.
- Prüfungsdauer und Prüfungsumfang
Written examination of the portfolio examination: in accordance wih the valid study regulations
Presentation of the portfolio examination: approx. 25 minutes
Written report of the portfolio examination: approx. 30 pagesThe requirements are specified in the respective lectures.
- Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse
Fundamental principles of strategic management, strategy process, management tools, management concepts, strategy evaluation, fundamental principles of controlling, fundamental processes of project and process management
- Wissensverbreiterung
Students who have completed the module successfully,
- have a knowledge about principles of strategic management
- are familiar with key analytical tools for strategy formulation
- understand business and corporate strategies at all levels of the organisation
- develop and undersand best practices for strategy implementation
- Wissensvertiefung
Students who have completed the module successfully will know how to;
- adopt and develop a strategic mindset
- articulate strategic requirements
- harness disruptive issues and situations in a business context and find a valid strategic positioning
- demonstrate awareness of the issues associated with the growth of an organisation in order to address change
- Wissensverständnis
Students who have completed the module successfully are able to;
- analyse and understand the complexities of an organisation
- analyse and understand strategic implications during crisis management
- analyse and communicate essential moves to design and implement change
- Nutzung und Transfer
Students who have completed the module successfully;
- can review and analyse a business situation
- can systematically evaluate cause and effect scenarios
- able to use research methods to evluate and reflect and find solutions
- Wissenschaftliche Innovation
Students who have completed the module successfully;
- able to apply theories and models to business development issues in an innovative manner
- can analyse and present MECE arguments
- can conduct independent research and development new contempory approaches to strategic situations
- able to demonstrate a high level of expertise in the field of strategic management both in study and professional practice
- Kommunikation und Kooperation
Students who have completed the module successfully;
- able to interpret and explain disruptions in organisational situations related to strategy
- able to modify their leadership behaviour so to improve strategic performance
- can collect and interpret data both internal and external environments leading to a decision making process
- Wissenschaftliches Selbstverständnis / Professionalität
Students who have completed the module successfully;
- can crittically reflect on developed or proposed strategies
- can assess a situatin at hand with relevant information and consolidate this into strategic solutions with persuasive stances
- can analyse and present MECE arguments
- Literatur
Hill, Ch.W.L., Jones, G.R. Strategic Management, An Integrated Approach,(1999), South Western Education.
Mintzberg, H. The Strategy Process - Concepts, Contexts, Cases, (2003), Prentic Hall.
Lynch, R.Corporate Strategy,(2000),2nd Edition, Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
- Zusammenhang mit anderen Modulen
This module is related to the other modules of the Master's programme International Business and Management.
- Verwendbarkeit nach Studiengängen
- International Business and Management (Master)
- International Business and Management, M.A. (01.09.2024)
- Modulpromotor*in
- Kaur-Lahrmann, Ravinder
- Lehrende
- Kaur-Lahrmann, Ravinder