English for Construction


Fakultät Agrarwissenschaften und Landschaftsarchitektur (AuL)


Version 1 vom 26.11.2024.







ECTS-Leistungspunkte und Benotung


Häufigkeit des Angebots des Moduls

nur Wintersemester

Weitere Hinweise zur Frequenz

1 Doppeltermin / Woche

Dauer des Moduls

1 Semester




The English for Construction module is designed to equip students with the language skills and practical knowledge necessary for successful communication within the global construction industry. Through roleplaying the position of a contractor, students will engage in a comprehensive construction task, interacting with clients and stakeholders in English. The module focuses on the practical application of construction-related language, including design discussions, feasibility assessments, contract negotiations, and preparation of technical documents such as bills of quantities and tender documents. By working in groups, students will gain hands-on experience in the international construction process, enhancing both their technical expertise and their ability to communicate effectively in English within a professional, multicultural context.


Course Content

  1. Introduction to Construction Terminology and Concepts
    Basic construction terms and industry-specific vocabulary
    Key construction processes: design, feasibility, tendering, and contracting
    Introduction to construction documentation (e.g., bills of quantities, contracts, tender documents)
  2. Roleplay: The Contractor's Position
    Understanding the contractor’s responsibilities and tasks
    Discussing project feasibility with the client
    Reviewing and refining initial design proposals
    Finalizing designs after client feedback
  3. Feasibility Studies and Initial Designs
    Conducting feasibility analyses for construction projects
    Preparing initial design proposals
    Analyzing technical and budget constraints
    Communicating design ideas and modifications in English
  4. Tender Documents and Bills of Quantities
    Writing detailed bills of quantities
    Preparing and presenting tender documents
    Reviewing project costs, timeframes, and resources
    Negotiating tender proposals with clients and stakeholders
  5. Contract Negotiations
    Understanding contract terms and conditions in construction projects
    Roleplaying contract negotiation scenarios
    Writing and reviewing contracts in English
    Legal and ethical considerations in construction contracts
  6. Group Work and Collaboration
    Collaborative project work in English, simulating a contractor-client relationship
    Effective communication within a multicultural team
    Problem-solving and decision-making in construction projects
    Peer feedback and constructive discussion of project proposals
  7. Final Presentation and Documentation
    Presenting the final design and tender proposal to the client
    Writing a final report with project details and contracts
    Refining professional communication in English for construction purposes

This module emphasizes hands-on experience and practical application of English in construction settings, enabling students to transfer their knowledge into real-world, international contexts.


Der Arbeitsaufwand für das Modul umfasst insgesamt 150 Stunden (siehe auch "ECTS-Leistungspunkte und Benotung").

Lehr- und Lernformen
Dozentengebundenes Lernen
Std. WorkloadLehrtypMediale UmsetzungKonkretisierung
30betreute Kleingruppen-
Dozentenungebundenes Lernen
Std. WorkloadLehrtypMediale UmsetzungKonkretisierung
60Arbeit in Kleingruppen-
30Erstellung von Prüfungsleistungen-
Benotete Prüfungsleistung
  • Projektbericht (schriftlich) und mündliche Prüfung
Bemerkung zur Prüfungsart

Notengewichtung: Projektbericht 50 % + mündliche Prüfung 50 %

Grade weighting: Project report 50% + oral exam 50%

Prüfungsdauer und Prüfungsumfang

The project report contains the compilation of documenation developed during the module, amongst others:

  • Company description and mission statement
  • letter of enquiry
  • minutes of site meeting
  • design drawings
  • material lists
  • tender documentation
  • contract negotiation
  • legal contract
  • official acceptance
  • diverse communications accompanying the documentation

müdliche Prüfung = 30 minutes

Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse

B2 (erfolgreich abgeschlossenes B1 Niveau)


Upon completion of this module, students will be able to analyze construction projects from both a technical and practical perspective, applying quantitative data to assess the feasibility and scale of a construction task. They will learn to create detailed designs and bills of quantities, using English to accurately describe the scope and technical requirements of construction projects. Students will also develop the skills necessary to write comprehensive tender documents, conduct cost analyses, and present quantitative data to clients and colleagues in a clear and professional manner.


This module helps students broaden their understanding of construction processes in an international context by incorporating English as the primary language for all communication. Through roleplay, students simulate the experience of working as contractors, negotiating and collaborating with clients, and preparing documentation in English. The module emphasizes the importance of disseminating knowledge across borders, preparing students to work in global construction projects and interact with diverse, international teams.


Students will critically engage with the construction task, questioning and reflecting on the feasibility and practicality of their proposed solutions. They will develop a deeper understanding of the challenges involved in construction projects, from design to contract negotiation. By discussing these challenges in English and presenting solutions, students will refine their ability to apply theoretical knowledge from other modules to real-world, international construction scenarios.

Nutzung und Transfer

The module enables students to apply their theoretical knowledge from other fields of study in a practical, real-world context. By roleplaying the contractor’s position, students will transfer their expertise in design, feasibility analysis, and project management into English-language documentation and communication. They will gain experience in preparing final designs, writing bills of quantities, and creating tender documents—skills that can be transferred to the international construction industry.

Kommunikation und Kooperation

Throughout this module, students will work collaboratively in groups to design and manage a construction project. They will communicate with one another and with the client in English, engaging in discussions about design feasibility, contract terms, and project execution. These collaborative exercises will build teamwork skills and foster effective communication in English, both of which are essential for working in the international construction industry. By preparing documentation and negotiating contract terms, students will also practice professional communication in a variety of construction-related scenarios.

Wissenschaftliches Selbstverständnis / Professionalität

This module emphasizes professionalism in the construction industry, preparing students to manage projects and communicate effectively with clients in an international setting. Students will develop a scientific understanding of construction practices, from feasibility studies to final design, and apply this knowledge to create high-quality, technically sound documentation. They will also be expected to demonstrate professional conduct in their interactions, ensuring their communication and written materials meet the standards of the global construction industry. Through this process, students will refine their ability to think critically and act professionally in the field.


English for Landscape Professionals Patzer Verlag

Zusammenhang mit anderen Modulen

Dieses Modul übt die Fähigkeiten die in anderen Module gelernt wurden sind.

This module practices the skills that have been learned in other modules.

Verwendbarkeit nach Studiengängen

  • Landschaftsbau Dual
    • Landschaftsbau Dual B.Eng. (01.09.2025)

  • Baubetriebswirtschaft Dual
    • Baubetriebswirtschaft Dual B.Eng. (01.09.2025)

  • Bauen – Umwelt – Management
    • Bauen – Umwelt – Management M.Eng. (01.09.2025)

  • Baubetriebswirtschaft
    • Baubetriebswirtschaft B.Eng. (01.09.2025)

  • Landschaftsbau
    • Landschaftsbau B.Eng. (01.09.2025)

    • Fine, Jonathan
    • Fine, Jonathan