Prof. Dr. Carmen-Simona Jordan Maschinenbau, insbesondere chemische Prozesstechnik
- Telefon
- +49(0)591 800 98 - 296
- s.jordan@hs-osnabrueck.de
- Abteilung
- Fakultät Management, Kultur und Technik
- Raum
- KC 0215
- Fax
- +49(0)591 800 98 - 798
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- Beschreibung
- Chemie und Chemische Prozesstechnik
Akademische Ausbildung
- 2013 „venia legendi“ für das Fach „Organische Chemie"
- 2008-2012 Habilitation, Universität Osnabrück , Schwerpunkt: Bioorganische Materialien
- 2005, Dr. rer. nat. „mit Auszeichnung“
- 2001-2005 Promotion, Universität Osnabrück, Schwerpunkt Elektrochemie.
- 1992-1997, Studium der Chemie an der Universität Bacau, Rumänien; Fachrichtung: Diplomingenieur – Nahrungsmittelchemie
- 1988-1992, Studium der Chemie an der Universität Bacau, Rumänien; Fachrichtung: Ingenieur – Anorganische Chemie
- 2005, „Felix-Schöller Preis" für Chemie, Osnabrück
- 2008, PostDoc-Award 2008 der Universität Osnabrück
- 2012, Nominierung für „Hans Mühlenhoff Preis" für gute Lehre
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
Beruflicher Werdegang
- Seit April 2014, Professorin für Chemie und Chemische Prozesstechnik, Hochschule Osnabrück, Fakultät MKT, Campus Lingen (Ems)
- Wiss. Mitarbeiterin am Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Polymerforschung, Abteilung „Organik und Elektronik“, Potsdam-Golm
- Nachwuchswissenschaftlerin am Institut für Chemie, Universität Osnabrück, Organische Materialwissenschaften I
- Postdoc, „Bioorganische Chemie“, Universität Osnabrück, Organische Materialwissenschaften I
- Wiss. Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Chemie, Universität Osnabrück, Organische Materialwissenschaften II
- Wiss. Assistentin an der Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften, Department für Chemieingenieurwesen und Nahrungsmittelchemie der Universität Bacau, Rumänien
- Chemieingenieur am Department für Chemie und Nahrungsmittelchemie der Universität Bacau, Rumänien
- technische Zeichnerin im Konstruktionsbüro der Firma „Aeronautics Group AEROSTAR", Bacau, Rumänien
- Synthese von Redox-aktive Dendrimere und elekroaktiven Polymerwerkstoffen
- Synthese von dünnen Schichten durch Elektropolymerisation, Rotationsbeschichtung, Rakeln, Selbstorganisation (SAMs) oder „Layer by Layer“-Abscheidung.
- „in situ“ spektroelektrochemischen Messtechnik wie: UV-VIS, EIS-Spektroskopie, elektrochemische Rauschen, Cyclovoltammetrie (CV), sowie auch "Square voltage excitation“ in drei- und zwei- Elektroden- System
- M. Lepadatu, S. Asaftei and, N. Vennemann, (2015)’’Activated EPDM Rubber Waste Particles as Possible Substitute of Raw Material in Rubber Production’’, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 132(25), 42097/1-42097/11.
- D.Triantou, C.S. Asaftei, S. Soulis, A. Skarmoutsou, E. Milioni, C. Charitidis, S. Janietz, (2015) ‘Synthesis and Characterization of Electrochromic Films based on 2,5-bis(2-(3,4-ethylenedioxy) thienyl) pyridine’, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 10, 1274 - 1291
- D. Triantou, S. Soulis, C.S. Asaftei, S. Janietz, (2015), ’Effect of the Acceptor on the Electrochemical and Electrochromic Properties of Donor-Acceptor Polymer Films’, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 10, 3458-3477.
- Ciobanu, M. and Asaftei S., (2015) New Optoelectronic Materials based on “viologen”-Nucleobases Derivatives: Chemical and Electrochemical Study, Optical Materials, 42, 262-269.
- Ciobanu, M., Lepadatu, A., M., Asaftei, S., (2014), Chemical and Electrochemical Studies of Carbon Black Surface by Treatment with Ozone and Nitrogen Oxide, Materials Today, International Conference on Diamond and Carbon materials, available online, www.sciencedirect.com.
- Lepadatu A. M., Asaftei, S., Vennemann, N., (2014) Recycling of EPDM Rubber Waste Powder by Activation with Liquid Polymers. KGK, vol. 67, (1-2), 41-47.
- Li, J., Lepadatu, A. M., Zhu, Y., Ciobanu, M., Wang, Y., Asaftei, S., Oupicky, D., (2014), Examination of Structure-Activity Relationship of “viologen” based Dendrimers as CXCR4 Antagonists and Gene Carriers, Bioconj. Chem, vol. 25, 5, 907-917.
- Asaftei, S., Huskens, D. and Schols, D., (2012) HIV-1 X4 Activities of Polycationic “viologen” based Dendrimers by Interaction with the Chemokine Receptor CXCR4: Study of Structure-Activity Relationship, J. Med. Chem., vol. 55, 23, 10405-10413.
- Asaftei S., Ciobanu M., Lepadatu A.M., Song E., Beginn U., (2012) Thermotropic Ionic Liquid Crystals by Molecular-Assembly and Ion Pairing of 4,4’-bipyridinium Derivatives and Tris(dodecyloxy)benzenesulfonats in a non-polar Solvent, J. Mat. Chem., 22, 14426-14437
- Asaftei, S., Lepadatu, A.M. and Ciobanu, M., (2011), Novel Compounds with a “viologen” Skeleton and N-Heterocycles on the Peripheries. Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Properties, Helv. Chem. Acta, 94, 6, 1091-1101.
- Asaftei, S., De Clercq, E., (2010), „viologen“ Dendrimers as Antiviral Agents: The effect of Charge Number and Distance, J. Med. Chem., 53, 3480-3488.
- Asaftei, S., Reuter, H., Rosemeyer, H., (2009) Synthesis and Crystal Structures of two 9-(2-Bromoethyl)-Functionalized 7-Deazapurines“, Helv. Chem. Acta, 92, 1944-1951.
- Asaftei, S., Rosemeyer, H. and Walder, L., (2008), Interaction of “viologens” with Nucleic acid G-tetrades”, Langmuir, vol. 24. 11, 5641-5643.
- Asaftei, S., and Walder, L., (2006) Modification of TiO2 – Electrodes with Cross-Linkable B12 – Derivatives, Langmuir, 22, 5544-5547.
- Schön, P., Degefa, T., Asaftei, S., Meyer, W., Walder, L., (2005) Charge Propagation in Ion Channel Sensors' Based on Protein Modified Electrodes and Redox Marker Ions, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 11486-11496.
- Corr, D., Fay, D., Ryan, M., Walder, L., Moeller, M., and Asaftei, S., (2005) High Resolution Electrochromic Displays for E-readers, Digest of Technical Papers - Society for Information Display International Symposium, 36(Bk. 1), 750-751.
- Azzouz, A., Niquette, P., Asaftei, S., Monette, F., Hauseler, R., Nistor, D., Miron, D., (2004), Acid-Base Properties of Montmorillonite and Interactions with Enzymes through REM Investigations“, Sciences § Technologie, 22, 89-96.
- Möller, M., Asaftei, S., Corr, D., Ryan, M., Walder, L. (2004) Switchable Electrochromic Images Based on a Combined Top-down Bottom-up Approach, Adv. Mat., Cover-Article 16, 1558-1562.
- Asaftei, S., Walder, L. (2004) Covalent Layer-by-Layer type Modification of Electrodes using Ferrocenes and Crosslinkers, Electrochim. Acta 49, 4679-4685.
- Walder, L., Asaftei, S., Möller, M. (2003) Neuartige Technologie für Displays und optische Filter. Chemische Innovation an Niedersächsischen Hochschulen, Niedersächs. Min. Wissensch. und Kultur.
- Azzouz, A., Messad, D., Nistor, D., Zvolinschi, A., Asaftei, S., (2003) Vapor Phase Aldol Condensation over Fully Ion-Exchanged Montmorillonite-Rich Catalysts, Applied Catalysis A, 241, 1-21.
- Azzouz, A., Bilba, N., Attou, M., Zvolinschi, A. and Asaftei, S., (2001), Pure SAPO, CoAPSO and ZnAPSO ATO-like Molecular Sieves Through Optimized Synthesis Procedures, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 135, 673-680.
- Gavrila, L., Zichil, V., Tudorache, E., Asaftei, S. and Ivascan, S., (1999) Recycling of Spent Nickel-Containing Catalysts in the Ammonia Industry. 3. Mechanical Strength of Spent Catalysts for Stream Reforming of Methane, Revista de Chimie, 50(11), 801-806.
- Gavrila, L., Tudorache, E., Ivascan, St., Asaftei, S., (1997) Processing of Spent Nickel-Containing Catalysts from the Ammonia Industry. 2. Possibilities for Preparation of Nickel Salts for Electroplating Use, Revista de Chimie, 48,(6), 512-520.
- Gavrila, L., Ivascan, St., Tudorache, E., Asaftei, S., (1996) Processing of Spent Nickel-Containing Catalysts from the Ammonia Industry. 1. Nickel Solubilisation, Revista de Chimie, 47, 11, 1039-1045.
- EP/03394115.4 (2004) “A Device”, Pichot, F., Corr, D., McAtamney, C., O’Flaherty, A., Ryan, M., Bach. U., Campbell, C., Walder, L. Möller, M., Asaftei, S., Assignee: Ntera Ltd. Irland.
- PCT/EP2008/004527, WO2008/148560 A1, p.56, (2008), “New Hybrid Compounds of Nucleobases and Organic Redox Molecules and Their Use”, Asaftei S.
- Marius Ciobanu,; Ana-Maria Lepadatu Carmen Simona Asaftei, Chemical and Electrochemical Studies of Carbon Black Surface by Treatment with Ozone and Nitrogen Oxide, International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials 7th -11th September, Madrid, Spain, (2014).
- Lepadatu Ana-Maria, Low Molecular Weight Polymers used for Recycling of EPDM Rubber Waste Powder, Ana-Maria Lepadatu, Carmen Simona Asaftei and Norbert Vennemann, Nürnberg, Nürnberg Messe, Nürnberg, Germany, (2013).
- Ciobanu M, Asaftei S., Self-Assembled Supramolecular Structures by Hydrogen Bonding of 4,4’-bipyridinium-thymine Derivatives and Oligoadenines as Templates, GDCh-Tagungen, Weimar, (2012).
- Asaftei, S., Ana Maria Lepadatu, M. Ciobanu, Electrochemical and Chemical Properties of New Dendrimers with “viologen'” Skeleton and N-heterocycles in the Periphery as Possible Antiviral Agents, GDCh-Tagungen, Bremen (2011).
- Asaftei, S., M. Ciobanu, Ana Maria Lepadatu, Song Efeng, U. Beginn, New Supramolecular Aggregates of “viologen” Derivatives with Liquid Crystalline or Molecular Recognition Properties, GDCh-Tagungen, Bremen (2011).
- Asaftei, S., Interaction of Viologen with Nucleic Acid G-tetrade, Nucleosides, Nucleotides § Nucleic Acids, XVI Round Tables, Bern, Poster, (2006).
- Asaftei, S., Möller, M., Walder, L., Electrochromic Display, Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RICCE XIV, Bucuresti, Romania, (2005).
- Möller, M., Asaftei, S., Corr, D., Ryan, M., Walder, L., High Resolution Electrochromic Images, 56th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Busan, Korea, (2005).
- Azzouz, A., Asaftei, S., Nistor, D., Huler, R., Niquette, P., Monette, F., Messad, D., Novel Pseudo-Zeolite Structures from Clay Cross-linking Polydimethylsiloxane, 14th International Zeolite Conference, H-171-C-UNL, Cape Town, South Africa, (2003).
- Azzouz, A., Bilba, M., Attou, M., Zvolinschi, A., Asaftei, S., Pure SAPO, CoAPO and CoAPSO ATO-like Molecular Sieves through Optimized Synthesis Procedures, 13th International Zeolite Conference, 04-P-09, Montpellier, France, (2001).
- Gavrila, L, Zichil, V., Udrea (Asaftei), S., A Mathematical Model of the Corrosion Behaviour of an Industrial Urea Synthesis Reactor, International Congress Stainless Steel’99, Science and Market, 7-9.06, Cha Laguna, Italy (1999).
- Zichil, V., Gavrila, L., Udrea (Asaftei), S., A study of Computer Aid upon top Engine for DI Diesel Engines, CCM’98, International Conference of the Claude Bernard University of Lyon, 6-8.06 France, 9.25-9.28, (1998).
- Miron D., Asaftei, S., Utilizarea Cicloimoniuilidelor la Obtinerea Heterociclurilor cu Azot, Sesiunea Jubiliara 1961-1996 a Universitatii Bacau, Bacau, 31.10-2.11 (1996)
- Gavrila L., Zichil, V., Asaftei, S., Fanaru, Aspecte Cinetice ale Modificarii Aciditatii Uleiurilor Lubrefiante, ROTRIB’96, (7th International Conference of Tribologiy) Bucuresti, 10-12.09, (1996), 206-215.
- Gavrila L., Zichil, V., Asaftei, S., Fanaru, A., Schnakovszki, C., Simulated Process of Oils Brake out (II) (Correlation Between Amplitudes of Vibration Movement and Organic Acidity of Mineral Oils, ITHURS’96, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Technologies in Human-related Sciences, 05-07.06. (1996) Leon, Spain, vol. II, 389-393
- Gavrila L., Zichil, V., Asaftei, S., Fanaru, A., Schnakovszki, C., Some Considerations Concerning the Influence of Mechanical Factors on the Acceleration of Oxidative Degradation Processes of Lubricating Oils for Thermal Engines, (MOCOM-1) OPROTEH-’95 Editia I-a, Iasi, 26-28 (1995), 153-157
- Gavrila L., Asaftei, S., Ivascan, St., Capitalisation Possibilities of Spent Catalysts with Low Nickel content in , Volumul I, Conferinta de chimie si inginerie chimica, Bucuresti, 20-21- 10. (1995), 230-235.
- Zichil, V., Udrea (Asaftei) Simona, Gavrila, L., Schnakovszki, C., Caliman, R., The Influence of Vibrations on Engines Oil Quality, ‘Motor Sympo’, Slovacie Motory Pre 21, Storocie, Slovakia, 30.05-1.06. (1995), 241-245.
- Asaftei, S., Electroactive Polymers as “smart materials“, 28th May, (2015), Workshop, „Material day“, University of Applied Science, Osnabrück.
- Asaftei, S., “Construction of an Electrochromic Device by Hydrogen bonded Layer-by-Layer Modification of Mesoporous TiO2 Film“, 16th February, (2015), Workshop “Electrochromic Materials” TU Athens, Greece.
- Asaftei, S., “Electrochemical Studies of Carbon Nanoparticles Surfaces”, North European PhD seminar on rubbers, 11-13 June (2014), Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland.
- Asaftei, S., “Thermotropic Ionic Liquid Crystal”, 01 March, (2013), University of Applied Science Osnabrück, Germany.
- Asaftei, S. “Dendrimers with a “viologen” Skeleton and N-heterocycles on the Peripheries: Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Properties”, 16th October, (2012) University of Applied Sciences, Aalen, Germany.
- Asaftei, S. “Organic hybrid materials and their application”, 21 September, (2012) University of Applied Science, Zwickau, Germany.
- Asaftei, S. “Surface Chemistry of Carbon Black Particles. Analytical Study”, Workshop, 7 November, (2012) University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany.
- Asaftei, S. “Ionic Liquid Crystal” Workshop, 13-15 June, (2012) Enschede, Nederland.
- Asaftei, S. “Electrochromic Display”, 10 September, (2009), University of Applied Science, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany.
- Asaftei, S., “Layer-by-Layer Thrombin-Biosensor based on DNA Aptamer”, International Conference on Chemistry, CEEX M3 246, 4-6 April, (2008) Slanic Moldova, Romania.
- Asaftei, S., „Kaskadenreaktionen Direkt auf der Mesoporösen Oberflächen mit Anwendung in der Elektrochemie“, International Conference on Chemistry, CEEX M3 246, 13-15 April, (2007), Slanic Moldova, Romania.
- Asaftei, S., Möller, M., Walder, L., High Resolution Electrochromic Display, Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RICCE XIV, (2005) Bucuresti, Romania.
- Asaftei, S., Nanotechnik und Elektrochromie ‘Die Welt kleinster Dimensionen’, (2004), HIT, University of Osnabrück.
- Asaftei, S., Elechtrochromic Display using Ink-Jet Technology on Mesoporous Elektrode, Laboratoire de Synthese Organique et Environnement, Universite du Littoral Cote d’Opal, (2004) Dunkerque, France.
- Asaftei, S., Elechtrochromic Display using Ink-Jet Technology on Mesoporous Elektrode, Departament de Genie de la Construction, Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Universite du Quebec, (2004), Montreal, Canada.
- Asaftei, S., Modification of TiO2-Electrodes with Cross-Linkable B12-Derivatives, Departament de Genie de la Construction, Ecole de Technologie superieure, Universite du Quebec, (2004), Montreal, Canada.
- Asaftei, S., 2nd Part: Modification of TiO2-Electrodes with Cross-Linkable B12-Derivatives, COST Chemistry Action D15, WG 0008-99 Meeting, Chemistry of Co-corrinoid and Metallo-Porphinoid Layer on Electrodes, (2003), Osnabrück, Germany.