Vorträge von Mittwoch, dem 16. Mai 2018
Key Note
Armin Dekorsy (UNI Bremen): New Directions in Wireless Communication Research and What they Will Enable
Sitzung 1: Funkversorgung
Hendrik Linka (HS Bonn-Rhein-Sieg): Path Loss Models for Low-Power Wide-Area Networks: Experimental Results using LoRa
Sebastian Helleberg (FH Südwestfalen): Untersuchungen zur Mobilfunkversorgung am Beispiel einer grenznahen ländlichen Region
Sitzung 2: Spektrale Effizienz durch MIMO and D2D
Dusan Milenkovic (Qualcomm): 4x4 MIMO - The Performance Boost for LTE
Sarmad Ghafoor (University of Lahore): Bandwidth Efficient Channel Coding Scheme for Non-cooperative Overloaded Multiuser MIMO Systems
Dariush Soleymani (TU Ilmenau): Study on Uplink Throughput of Radio Resource Sub-granting and Shortening TTI Schemes for Overlay D2D
Sitzung 3: Industrial Radio I
Michael Karrenbauer (TU Kaiserslautern): Towards a Flexible Architecture for Industrial Networking
Michael Gundall (DFKI): Capabilities of 4G SCADA systems in Industry 4.0-scenarios
Christian Schellenberger (TU Kaiserslautern): Wireless Communication for Modular Production Facilities
Sitzung 4: Industrial Radio II
Manfred Constapel (FH Lübeck): DRAISE Drahtlose Robuste Adaptive Industrielle Systeme
Sergiy Melnyk (DFKI): Reliable Low Latency Wireless Communication Enabling Industrial Mobile Control and Safety Applications
Timo Thurow (HS Osnabrück): Funkbasierte 3D-Indoorlokalisierung unter der Verwendung des Chan-Ho-Algorithmus
Vorträge von Donnerstag, dem 17. Mai 2018
Key Note
Henning Sanneck (Nokia): Addressing 5G Network Management Challenges with Machine Learning
Sitzung 5: Network Slicing
Martin Böhm (HS Ostfalia): Architectural Design of a TSN to SDN Gateway in the Context of Industry 4.0
Julian Ahrens (DFKI): An AI-Driven Malfunction Detection Concept for NFV Instances in 5G
Sitzung 6: Disaster Networks
Gregor Frick (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences): Integration of NFV with Distributed Orchestration into a WMN-based Disaster Network
Constantin Eiling (TH Köln): Design and evaluation of a resilient live video streaming service in Wireless Meshed Networks (WMN)
Sitzung 7: Vehicular CommunicationInvited Talk
Maciej Muehleisen (Ericsson): Tutorial on Short-Range C-ITS Communication Technologies
Ralf Weber (Qualcomm): Cellular V2X for Safety and Cooperative Driving of Intelligent Transport Systems
Hans Schotten (TU Kaiserslautern): AMMCOA - Nomadic 5G Private Networks
Sitzung 8: Internet of Things
Christian Lüders (FH Südwestfalen): Überlegungen zur Realisierung von Smart-Meter-Anwendungen über Narrow-Band-LTE-Netze
G.-S. Lampe (Bürgerwind Schönfeld / Ingenieurbüro Massner): Informationssicherheit in Energienetzen
Marten Fischer (HS Osnabrück): IoTCrawler: Eine Suchmaschine für das IoT